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"Mommy I hap to go pee pees" I told her extremely embarrassed. When was the last time I talked to my mother like that?

"Aww! That's so cute! You never talk to me like that anymore." My mom exclaimed before adding, "just go pee right here honey, I'll change you later."

I didn't want to be seen in a wet diaper in front of my cousins so I just held the pee in. By the time we had gotten to their house, I was squirming in my seat.

After we parked in their driveway, my mom walked to my door and picked me up. Embarrassed, I hid my face in her neck. The last thing I wanted was the be seen like this around my family.

"Aww! She is so cute! And by the looks of it, she needs to go pee pees." My aunt said as my mom handed me to her. The sudden change of movement pushed my bowels and I started to pee.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized.

"Oh it's okay! I'll clean you right up after we do some fun activities together!" My aunt exclaimed before taking me into the living room, which was set up with baby toys and stuff for her youngest daughter, Ella.

Instead of changing me like I expected her to, she laid me stomach down on a large mat that had ocean animals on it. Before I could ask what this was for my mother had answered.

"Honey... I know you're not going to like this, but I spoke with your doctor and we both think that a bit of tummy time will help you with your bladder and it may even help strengthen some muscles" My mom spoke softly as she playfully patted my diaper, telling me to do what she said.

Not wanting to argue any further, I started moving around on the mat. It was actually kind of fun seeing all the jelly animals move around as I played. A little while later, my aunt picked me up and placed my back on her lap. She lifted my legs and started spinning them around in circles.

"This will get your bowels moving, thank me later."

A couple minutes later, I  farted really loudly and warm wet poop filled my diaper. I hoped no one heard me and I tried my best to ignore my mess.

"Did you mess your diaper Grace?" My mother asked me.

"No, I just umm, farted." I responded quickly, not wanting to get changed in front of my aunt.

"Okay, but could you come over here? I need to check something." My mom reached out to grab me and I ran. I ran all the way to the front door and ran until I get home.

When I rang the doorbell, Henry greeted me by pulling me in the house. "What do you think you're doing? You are going to be in so much trouble when mom finds out. Now quickly lay down so I can change you, it may ease the punishment."

Scared I lay on the ground, my brain not fully computing what he just said until he ripped my diaper off. Thankfully, he didn't say a word and quickly changed me. If he had been a minute late, mom would have caught him in the act.

"Grace! What do you think you were doing? You cannot run away like that!" Mom yelled. I know I had taken it too far, I was in trouble.

"I- I'm sorry, I was just embarrassed." I admitted, tears welling up in my eyes. Mom never yelled.

"You have no reason to be embarrassed about your issue Grace, you should know that." My mom said softly this time. "I'm sorry for yelling sweetie, but you still are going to need a punishment for your actions."

"What is my punishment?" I asked, crossing my fingers - hoping to get one that's not as bad as usual.

"Well, I think that since you left the house, without any care...." Mom thought out loud, "I would say that you need to stay with me whenever we are in public for the next week. Wherever you go, I'll be there"

"What about Alissa Jordan's birthday party? It's a big deal and everyone is going to be there tonight." I asked, hoping I'd be let free. I could NOT be embarrassed in-front of the whole school.

"Well, then I'll be joining you. Plus, you would need someone to be there to change your diaper every now and then anyway." My mother said nonchalantly before hanging her coat up and walking to the living room.

"Hey, it'll be okay," Henry said before heading out the door.

With all that changed in my life, I completely forgot about the fact that I would have to wear diapers at Alissa's party. What is going to happen tonight?

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