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"Wake up!" My mom shouted as she opened the blinds. "You're going to be late for school! Come down after you get ready, we have to leave right away."

"Mk..." I yawned, I hated Monday mornings, they were so tiring.

I quickly got up and went to my closet. My mom had set out my clothes the night before, probably when she changed me into my pjs. There was a plain pink shirt with a long cotton pinafore to wear on top. "She didn't actually want me to wear this, right!?" I questioned.

"Grace! Hurry up! I already set out your clothes!" My mom shouted. I guess I had no choice.

I threw on the clothes and ran downstairs. "Get into the car, mom's already there." Henry told me.

I went into the car, sat down, and realized a big issue. "Mom.... I pooped in my diaper at night." I whispered.

"It's okay sweetie, the nurse can change you." She replied.

When we got to school, I quickly ran into the building since I was almost late. It wasn't until I entered 1st period when I realized that the poopy diaper was hanging so low it showed underneath the pinafore. I quickly sat down, forgetting that I needed to go to the nurse.

"What are you, some baby? Why are you wearing babyish clothes?" This kid named Ethan asked.

"Fuck off. My mom made me wear them." I responded.

Ethan stopped asking questions and I started copying down the notes Mrs. Lee was writing on the board. Half way through the period I felt the need to poop again. Without thinking, I just went into my diaper.

"Eww! It smelled like someone pooped!" Jessica mentioned.

My teacher looked at me and asked, "Do you need to go to the nurse?" I was so embarrassed. Did she really ask that in front of the whole class? "Ew! No! I'm not a baby!" I defended.

Mrs. Lee walked over to the classroom phone and called for someone before continuing the lesson. A couple minutes had went by before nurse Caldwell had came into the classroom.

"Could I borrow Grace Bosley please?" She asked Mrs. Lee. "She needs to fill out the height and weight section of her log."

"Of course you can Mrs. Caldwell." She responded, winking at me. I immediately knew this was about my diaper. If I got up now, everyone would see the diaper hanging low under my pinafore.

"It's okay Mrs. Lee, I'll go after class. This lesson seems to be really important." I said trying to get out of going to the nurse.

"I can give you the notes later, you can go now." Mrs. Lee said to me in a stern voice. By now the whole class was looking at our conversation. Nurse Caldwell crouched next to me and whispered, "if you don't go now, you might use the diaper again." My cheeks were on fire.

"It's fine, I'll change myself after class. It's really embarrassing having someone else do it." I whispered back before mumbling, "now fuck off." Like last night, I regretted saying what I did.

"Young lady! You stand up right now! We're going to my office and then straight to the principals!" Nurse Caldwell yelled.

I slowly stood up, squeezing my legs together to hide the diaper as best as I could. This only made the poop travel up my diaper and onto my shirt. When we finally made it into the nurses office, I was ordered to stay standing.

"What you did in that classroom is unacceptable." She began, "and to make things worse, you spread the poop all over your shirt to avoid getting noticed. I talked to you mother and she told me it's okay for me to change your clothes. I was so embarrassed and to make things worse, I had to pee.

She took my pinafore, which was surprisingly clean, off along with my t-shirt which she threw in the trash. I was now standing in the nurses office with nothing but a poopy diaper.

"Turn around. Your mom said she wanted a picture." The nurse commanded. I was horrified. I knew exactly why my mother needed that photo. I slowly turned around and at the worst moment possible, I started to pee.

"Oh my! Let's get you all cleaned up now." She said grabbing baby wipes to wipe down my body. She cleaned the floors with paper towels and Lysol wipes before telling me to lie down on the table. She ripped the tape off the diaper and started using the wipes to clean out my butt.

"You really did a big number on this diaper, didn't you?" I blushed, it was embarrassing enough for her to be cleaning my butt, I didn't need her to be commenting on it as well.

When she got done, she gave me the pink T-shirt that I kept in the bag just in case and she helped me put the pinafore back on. Sadly, I still had to go to recess. However, I was happy that the change took 2 periods and that the nurse forgot about taking me to the principals office.

I walked outside the school and was greeted by kids laughing and snickering. What had they found? I thought.

A girl that was in my science class, Naomi, I think her name was, came up to me. "Hey Grace - or should I say Gracie. I see you've converted into your toddler ages again." She laughed as she held up her phone. To my horror, my mother's Facebook page was on the screen.

"Fuck off!" I yelled before adding, "That was from when I was younger!"

"Sure......." She said before snickering as she walked away.

I rolled my eyes and sat down to text my mother. When I opened the text she sent me, I completely forgot what I was going to say because 1,000 different thoughts were floating my head at once.

"You cousins moved next door! I am coming to pick u up in 10 minutes."

I was shocked. How was I supposed to explain this all to them? The text was sent 5 minutes ago so I went to my locker to pick up my bag before going into the office to wait.

I didn't wait for long before I saw my mother poke her head in. "Alrighty! Let's go!" She said as she held her hand out for me to hold. Embarrassed, I took hold of her hand and we walked towards the car.

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