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I'm so sorry for deleting the last story, I just didn't feel like it was going the way I wanted to and it just kept getting worse. If you have any suggestions from the other book that you would like to carry over, or any suggestions at all - leave them in the comments.

"Grace! Not again.." my mother exclaimed as she pulled off my sheets to wake me up. I had wet the bed every night this week, and my mom was starting to worry about me.

"I'm sorry.." I sighed.

"It's okay sweetheart, go take a shower, I'm going to talk with your doctor."

I walked in the bathroom, took off my clothes and took a nice, warm shower. "Why am I like this?" I thought to myself. I got out the shower, put on new clothes that my mom had left out for me and walked downstairs.

"Good morning honey, I made you some pancakes. I'm going to head to the store to pick up some groceries." My mom said so casually that it felt like nothing had happened earlier this morning. After I finished my pancakes, I went to play video games. I had an urge to pee but I figured I could hold it till the round was over.

"I'm back!" My mom yelled from the kitchen door. The sudden loud noise made my bladder open and the couch was soaked with my urine. "This was only because I didn't want to leave the game," I thought to myself, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Grace! Not again!" My mom said, as she walked in the room. I was embarrassed because this had already happened this week, except I didn't even realize when it happened the first time around.

"Get in the car, we're going to Dr. Lopez." Mom said as she took her keys and started walking out the door.

"Can I at least change first? My pants are soaked!" I pleaded.

"There are some extra clothes in the car, you can change on our way there. We have an appointment in 10 minutes we can't be late." My mom grabbed my hands and we walked to the car together, I felt like a child.

I dug through a pile of clothes mom always keeps in the car. After a little while of searching, I found baby shark training underwear, a shirt that said "Mommas Little Girl!" on it, and a pair of shorts that had a brown stain at the back.

"Mom! I can't wear any of these, it's wayy too embarrassing! And the pants already have a brown stain on them." I exclaimed.

"Well, if you didn't pee yourself a couple minutes ago, we wouldn't be in this situation, now put them on, we're here. Also, the brown stain is from when your sister sat in chocolate." My mother said as she got out of the car and walked towards my door.

"There is no way I'm wearing this! I'm not 8, I'm 13!" I shouted.

My mom smacked me on the thigh and said, "if you don't put those clothes on right now, you are going in like this." I didn't want to walk in with wet clothes, but I also didn't want to wear the clothes that I had.

I must've taken too long to answer because the next thing I knew, my mother took me out of the car, and pulled my shirt off to exchange it with the shirt that said, "Mommas Little Girl".

"Do you need me to change your pants to? Or can you do that in the car like a big girl?" My mom asked. Defeated, I went in the car, took off my underwear and pants and changed into the training undies and chocolate stained shorts.

When we walked into the doctor's office, the first thing I noticed was that it was packed. Luckily we had an appointment, otherwise we would be waiting for hours. What I also realized was that people were staring at my shorts, they probably thought I had shit myself.

"Grace Evens" The doctor called.

"I'm gonna stay here, you go," my mom said to me as she sat down.

I walked to the room and was greeted by the doctor. She closed the door before talking to me about my issues.

"I see that you have been having night time bed wettings, and recently you've been having ones during the day as well. And by the looks of things, you've even been messing yourself." Dr. Lopez commented before writing something down on her note pad. I was about to argue that I have never mess myself accidentally when I thought back on Monday. I was eating breakfast when I had felt my bowels move and then poop flooded my pants.

"It wasn't me, my stupid sister sat on chocolate." I mumbled.

"Sure she did, now can you take off your clothes? I need to check some things." Dr. Lopez asked me. I slowly started to slip of my shorts, revealing the baby shark training pants my brother used to use.

"You such a big girl ! You wear training underwear to help with your accidents!" Dr. Lopez said this statement so loud I was sure the whole world could hear. I began to pull down my underwear when I felt a ping in my bowels. "I can hold it till this was over, I know I can." I whispered to myself. Dr. Lopez picked me up by the armpits and put me on one of those scales you use to weigh babies. My cheeks were burning from embarrassment . She wrote down something on her notepad then told me to lay down.

She ran some tests and then left the room. While she was gone, I put my underwear and shirt back on, I didn't have a bra because I never used one since I was so flat. When Dr. Lopez came back, I was mortified with what she was saying.

"I know you're not going to like this, but I spoke to your mom and she said it's okay. Now follow me into a special room where we can get you changed." Dr. Lopez said while holding out a hand for me to hold.

"There is no way I'm getting changed! And I'm not walking around your stupid halls with just underwear to cover my legs!" I yelled. I wouldn't budge from my spot, I was not about to travel this building in training underwear . I held onto the bed for life.

"Now don't be reluctant about this. No one is going to see you besides other doctors, and maybe a couple other kids that are in the room. Don't fight with me, I will do whatever I need to get you changed." Dr. Lopez warned while inching towards me. The ping in my bowels had gotten worse and to make matters worse, I had my butt facing up and my stomach was pressing down on the table. I really had to go.

"Alright! We're doing this the hard way." Dr. Lopez said. She started tickling me which eventually got me to sit up. When she saw her chance, she took it and picked me up like a baby. Defeated, I watched as we walked down the hall.

I must've been squirming because she asked, "Do you need to use the bathroom?"

Embarrassed, I said,"Yeah.... I need to poop."

She walked towards the nearest bathroom, and to my surprise walked inside with me. It was one of those single bathrooms with 1 of everything.

"Go on, I'll wait right here." Dr. Lopez said while patting my back, indicating me to go. I sat down and pushed, but nothing came out.

"It was a false call." I told Dr. Lopez. "Also, can I walk by myself?" I asked

"Of course you can. It's not too far from here"

After about 3 minutes of walking, we reached a room that had all the supplies needed to change a baby. When I looked around I realized it was a nursery.  Luckily, no one had seen me on our short walk.

She picked me up again and placed me on a changing table. There was no way I was letting her do this. She must've planned that I was going to squirm because a couple seconds later, my mom came in.

"Hi, I know you really like your big girl underwear but we're going to use diapers for a little bit, okay honey. Now lay still while I change you." My mom said as she thanked Dr. Lopez before she left then looked back at me. She pulled down my training underwear, and for the first time in a long time, my mom saw me butt naked.

"Aww! I forgot how adorable you looked when you were embarrassed. Now let's get you changed." My mom said as she lathered on rash cream and baby powder on my butt. It was so embarrassing to have to sit there, helpless as I watched my mom slowly get my but ready for my diaper. When she finally put the diaper on, it was a lot bulkier than I thought it would be.

"Okay! All done! We have to pick something from the store first but then we go straight home. While you were getting checked up, I got you this." My mom chucked me a cloth pinafore. I put it on and stood up.

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