Chapter 7

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I woke up quickly when I heard a loud alarm go off. I glanced at the time and it was 7:20.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, but classes start at 8:10, so you might want to started getting ready"

Startled by the voice, I looked around and saw a girl who was brushing her slightly curly light
brown hair that had little highlights running through it. She was wearing a black shirt with jean shorts underneath. Her clothes were simple, so it brought attention to her heart shaped face that had bright blue eyes, long dark lashes, and a dazzling smile that made her look carefree.

"My name is Tallia...Tallia Faribru."

My brain was just waking up, but I figured I should be nice. As I climbed out of bed I introduced myself. "Hey, I'm Velleity, but you can call me Vell."

"Cool. By the way, the shower isn't working right now, so if you need to shower, you need to go to the community bathroom just down the hall. They should have it fixed by Thursday."

"Thanks for the warning. I probably would have not noticed and then flooded the bathroom for twisting a faucet. Not a good way to start a new school."

Tallia started laughing at my comment as I began getting ready. I couldn't help thinking that we might get along.

Tallia showed me where my first class was, but then had to go to hers. My schedule was delivered to my dorm a little before I had to leave. My first class was magic history....I hated history.

After building my courage I stepped into the room and took it in. The room looked like a small lecture hall where every row of desks were a little higher as they went back. I scanned the faces, and got nervous when I didn't know anyone. Not that I expected to, but I still didn't like it.

"You don't need to be nervous," someone whispered to me from behind. Reith walked up next to me and gestured to some seats near the middle. "You can sit near me."

We walked to the seats and sat down. I couldn't help noticing a few girls glaring at me. I tried to ignore them, but it still made me self-conscious.

An old man walked into the room and stopped in front of the chalkboard.

"Good morning everyone. I am Mr. Pronsic, and there are a few rules for this classroom. Don't be late, be respectful, and work hard. Do those, and you should pass this class.

He then started going over what we would learn this semester, but I was zoning out to his monotone voice.

"Hey" Reith said with a nudge. "Are you paying attention? I don't think Mr. Pronsic would like you ignoring his melodic voice."

I stifled a giggle and whispered back. "Yea, I'm sure this class is going to be very exciting."

"At least we can keep each other company." He said with a smile.

I loved his smile. It was so genuine that it helped me start my day happily.

After three more classes, I found myself in the cafeteria for lunch. The food didn't look normal, but I was starving from not eating all day, so I picked up a tray. As I started walking, I stopped realizing I didn't know anyone, and the two people I did sort of know, I couldn't find.

When I began to walk to find the library like I normally do, I ran into Tallia who invited me to sit with her. I walked to her table that was in a nice quiet corner with three other people sitting and chatting with each other.

"Hey everyone! This is Velleity. She just arrived here in time for the second semester." Turning to me she said "And this is Kilomeas, Karila, and Zilicter. Kilomeas and Karila are twins."

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