Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm buzzing next to my head.

Groaning from my tired state, I rolled out of bed to get dressed and go for a run.

I was one of those simi-morning people who were tired in the morning but still wanted to wake up early.

Once I had put my long brown hair into a bun, and finished getting dressed, I grabbed my earbuds and my phone, and set off on my run. My mom had worked the night shift at the hospital, and wouldn't be up for a while, so I wasn't rushed.

I lived in a small suburban neighborhood at the edge of a little city, and always ran through the park in the morning. I loved nature and the smell of fresh air. I felt so at peace running while dew was still on the grass, and the birds had just begun to fill the morning with their songs.

I felt a little guilty leaving my mom at home alone because I didn't want her to be lonely, but I promised myself I would make her breakfast when I got back.

My dad disappeared when I was young, and I didn't remember much about him except that my mom didn't like talking about him. It made me sad seeing that she was alone since he disappeared, but whenever I brought him up, she would always get a distant look in her eyes and ignore the question.

He was always a mystery in my life, but I was content. I had a loving mom, good grades, and a steady lifestyle. I was still in high school, but I had started considering colleges. I was happy with the way my life was.

My music stopped as my phone started ringing. When I realized it was my mom, and I answered.

"Vell, are you on your run?"

Vell was what my mom called me, but my full name was Velleity. It meant 'a mere wish unaccompanied by an effort to obtain it.'

It sounds sad, but I was a cautious person who liked observing and daydreaming. I always had ideas and wishes, but I usually found them unrealistic. That still never stopped my daydreaming.

"Yes, did you just wake up?"

"Yes, I was just going to ask you when you will be done with your run." She responded.

"I'm by the edge of the park next to the woods. I'll be home in 10."

As I hung up, I heard a noise in the trees. Curiosity got the best of me, so I cautiously went to investigate.

I found a mother bird with her chicks. They were on the edge of a maple tree branch about 21 feet off the ground.

The mother quickly pushed one of her chicks off the branch. I gasped, but then realized they were learning to fly. I stood in awe as I watched chick after chick fall as they learned to take flight.

So there was only one chick left. He was the smallest of the group, and looked very scared. After a few encouraging chirps from the mother, she punched him off the edge, and he started to fall.

I kept waiting for him to get the hang of it, but he just kept falling. Time seemed to slow. He kept flapping frantically as he descended, falling closer to the ground.

I soon realized he wasn't getting the hang of it and that he was going to hit the leaves scattered on the grass surrounding the tree.

Suddenly I felt a weird feeling hidden deep inside my body. It almost felt as if it was a power source. I didn't think much of it as I watched the chick fall.

I needed to do something.

I felt something take over me as I thrust my arm out. Air came out of nowhere and slowed the chick's fall inches away from the ground. And as if I was the one holding the chick in the air, I created a gentle breeze that helped him spread his wings while he was still hovering. I moved my hands a little and created another small breeze that helped him glide as he started to fly.

After a few seconds of it, he understood how to control his wings, and flapped back up to where his family was waiting for him.

I saw him perch on the branch and I knew he was okay.

I suddenly realized my mom was waiting for me at home. I quickly took off so I would make it home in time, but I couldn't shake the memory of the breeze I seemed to control, or the hidden power in my body that I no longer felt.

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