Chapter 3

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When I rolled out of bed the next morning, I did not want to go to school. Eventually I looked at the time, and I saw I still had 1 hour to get ready. 

Hesitantly, I got up. I put on jeans, a grey shirt, and some low brown boots. I spent 10 min. trying to figure out how to do my hair, but after enough tries, I just left it down.

I made it outside right when the bus arrived with a bagel in my hand, and sunk into my normal seat in the back.

School was as boring as any day. I went from class to class waiting till I could go to the library. 

When I got lunch, I went and ate in the school library like I do every day. I said hi to Claira who was working the desk, and found a table in a quiet corner. She was always nice to me, but still wasn't really a friend. My mom would tell me to reach out, but I never make small talk first. I always get embarrassed for no reason.

Once I finished my lunch, I figured it wouldn't hurt to look around. I went to the tiny fantasy section and searched through the books till the bell rang.

After finding nothing that would help, I went to my science class a little deflated, and zoned out to Mr. Bonter rambling on about molecular structure.


At 3:30 I finally made it to the library. I quickly walked to the older books about folktales and myths. If my answers were anywhere, that's where they would be.

After searching the shelves for a while, I was about to give up, when I saw a book called "The Hidden Magic". It looked old and somewhat realistic, so I swiped it off the shelf to check it out.

As soon as I made it home, I made myself a pb&j sandwich, and sat down on my bed. My mom wouldn't be home for a while, so I didn't need to worry about being quiet.

The book talked about a land called Ereathia. It's inhabited by a group of people with powers who hide from the world. Everyone has their own ability that they are born with. Some of them were empathy- ability to feel others emotions, telepathy- ability to read other thoughts, cyrokinesis- ability to control ice, telekinesis- ability to move objects with your mind, photokinesis- the ability to manipulate light, ect.

I was sucked into this book. It almost felt like I was connected to it somehow. At the end of the book, there was a hand written prophecy.

It read-

The wish which was hidden will come to light
A shadow will hunt for omnipotence
Covering the land to diminish the life

I then realized that the rest was too faded to read.

"Of course the book wouldn't tell me something important. I knew this was a waste of time." I muttered to myself.

I suddenly heard my mom come home, so I looked at the clock. It was 11:28! I quickly got ready for bed, and fell into a wandering sleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night to a rustling sound. I felt like someone or something was watching me.


I heard it again, realising it was coming from outside my window. I threw a sweater over my clothes, and put on my shoes to go outside and investigate.
I don't know why I was being so risky and dangerous, but I felt something drawing me to whatever was out there. It was almost like I had a connection to what was making that noise.

When I got outside, I walked to the bushes below my window. I looked around but didn't see anything.

As I was about to go inside, I saw movement in the trees behind our house. Without thinking, I ran to where I saw it, and I was surprised when I saw a boy staring back at me.

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