Chapter 19 - Misunderstanding

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 After the break at that cafe, we got back to our search. We guessed that our copycat would be after valuables or gear to become stronger. Dumby asked everywhere if someone did see the demon lord, and some did see... We ended up in a theater where a play had just happened about the evil doings of the demon lord and his apprentice... me.

 But we didn't lose heart. We continued asking about it and ended up at a strange event, with more cosplaying people in the streets, where many were dressed in weird costumes. They even had fake animal tails and ears. They asked for photos of me and were playing all around as if the world was in complete peace, even with the ones dressed as demons.

 I was so confused that I had to ask Dumby...

" Doesn't the people of the north hate de demon lord? "

 He reacted strangely, avoiding eye contact as if I was blaming him for something.

" Well... they kinda hate... but some people love hating things, y'know? "

" I don't get it... "

" Believe me... You don't want to. Let's get back to our search! "

 He tries to brush me off, walking away from the event, but no matter. Reassessing the situation, I realize we won't find the copycat easily due to so many people posing as us, but it also means it's the perfect place for him to hide. I try looking around to see if any fake Lucavi seems more suspicious... Between horrible and good cosplays, I don't notice any.

" Shouldn't we get out of here? " Says Dumby.

" I don't think so. This would be the perfect place for a Copycat to hide. And also me! "

" You?! " He gasps

 Dumby is acting strange... his voice is off-key, and he's looking everywhere as if being hunted. Is he trying to hide something?

" Yeah, there are other Cherry's here. I can hide in the crowd as much as him! "

" W-Well... "

" Let's try looking around! "

" I don't think that's a good idea... "

 I feign ignorance to his sweating, panicky face and continue exploring the event. I recognize some of the characters from books. There's intense music playing, people selling little toys shaped like characters... They remind me of that machine Dumby was using earlier. North people are strange, and their festivities are a mystery. I should focus, but I'm curious.

" What's the meaning of this event? Is it like a great play where anyone can be their favorite character? " I ask

" More or less... You don't read mangas? Or watch TV? "

" I know what a TV is, but I never used one. We from the origin forest follow only our culture until we are adults. "

" I see... if so, is it okay for you to be here? " He made another attempt to get me away from here. His worriedness is worrying me.

" I've been permitted since the whole world is trying to kill me. Being kidnapped and taken to faraway lands made this a necessity. "

" Sometimes I forget that you've been through so much... And yet, you're still in one piece!! " Dumby forces a smile.

 What is making him so uncomfortable? I need to task.

" Yeah... But answer me. Why do you look so troubled with my presence here? "

 Dumby's pupils dilate. He tries to look me in the eyes but avoids contact again. He stutters, trying to gesture something with his hands while looking away...

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