Chapter 01 - First troubles of the year

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 This place is damp and reeks of mold. Light breaches only through small creaks on the ceiling and barred windows. I can still imagine the outside tough, beautiful day with the daylight shining and the soft breeze carrying the flower's aroma. I would love to be out there, but once again... I'm stuck... tied to a chair. I'm not a princess in a castle keep, guarded by a terrible dragon, nor a demon lord... nope. My captors are heroes, or at least... that's what they call themselves.

 As I look at the crumbling churches inside, searching for a way out, I see the ordinary tunic circlet hero talking with a black mage-hooded guy whose voice sounds more... tyrannical than any demon I've met. I've witnessed so many heroes that I can't bother memorizing their faces anymore, though. The mage by his side seems ominous, and the symbols are a dark version of the fall symbols. Behind them are some dark figures I can barely see.

 Behind them are some dark figures I can barely see

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" So... let me see... " says the hero, scratching his beardless chin. " We bait him here, and when he tries to save her, we activate the magic circle, and THEN we attack! "

" Yes, dumbass". Says the arrogant mage " Don't screw it up!"

" Good, the girl will not be harmed then, " He glances at me, " And yet somehow I feel, like, I'm the bad guy here. "

" When fighting something as terrible as the demon... you have to be even worse than them to win. "

" I don't think so. We're good people fighting for justice! And justice always wins! "

" Your words are so beautiful... they make me wanna puke. " The mage comes closer, kneels, and checks my ties. " Have to make sure this one doesn't run away, " After a thorough check, he tightens the knots and gets up. " She was almost loose! Do you call this tying someone ?! "

" I'm not good at this kind of stuff, you know? It makes me feel like a kidnapper. Also, being tied like that seems... unpleasant. "

" It's not meant to be good! " The mage has lost his composure. " AND WE ARE kidnappers! And if we don't do things right, we'll all die! Do you understand?! "

" Still, I don't like risking the lives of innocents... " He pities me with his eyes.

" Innocent? INNOCENT!? " the mage closes in on the hero, aiming his grip on his neck, but without touching him, then points towards me, enraged and screaming. " THIS DAMNED GIRL IS AS GUILTY AS HIM!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAVE SHE DONE?! HOW MANY DID SHE KILL !?!

The hero shudders. "I-I know, but it's the demon curse fau... "

" SILENCE! " shouts the dark mage. "We are risking everything here, and if we have to, we WILL kill the girl!! Got it!? They don't care about us... if we are too soft, we're the ones losing. So, stick to the plan! And don't mess up!

" But... " the hero sighs.

" NO BUTS DAMN IT!!" Shouts the mage once again. " LOOK AT HER FACE!! She's not even fazed! She must be planning something! This girl's face pisses me off! " The mage gets closer to me, bending his back a little, " You're plotting something, aren't you? Well, do as you please! If you manage to flee, I'll shoot you down!!

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