Chapter 07 - Can i slap him?

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 A Dark and lonely day. The lonely me taking a bath somewhere in the middle of nowhere and... It's relaxing... until someone knocks on the door. I don't have any weapons on me right now, so... I have to think... and fast.

 " Cherry? Are you in there? " I hear a male voice outside. Of course, I will not answer... I stand up, wrapping myself in my towel, and try to get to my clothes as fast as possible. But then someone flies through the door, falling close to my feet.

 " I got someone spying on you," Says Lucavi, entering the bathhouse. " You should be more careful. Didn't notice him? "

" I... Wait... It's the 2/10 hero. " I take a closer look. " He reeks of... "

" 2/10 hero? Seriously!? What kind of nickname is that? " He gets up

" It's because you're weak," Says Lucavi, snapping his fingers, readying himself to smack the Dumb Hero " NOW! What are you doing here, you maggot!? "

"I-I was was was was was... "

" Spying, eh?! You're a dirty hero, EH?! " Lucavi grabs the Hero by his neck and raises him, shaking him violently... or... maybe... Dumb Hero is trembling as much as an earthquake. "ANSWER! "

" Guys... could you take this outside... I was in the middle of my bath... "

" I, I just wanted... Gasp, To talk! THAT'S ALL !! TALK! " Says the Hero. Trembling... Shaking... Quaking... I don't know anymore.

" Fine. We can talk later... You, me, and Lucavi. "

" Who said I wanted to speak with this piece of shit?! "

" Whatever. I'll talk with him alone then... But not now! " I look at the poor Hero crying. " Now, get out of here, wait for me at Granny's place! "

" O, okay! " Lucavi throws the guy through the door. He gets up as soon as he touches the ground and runs for his life.

I stare at Lucavi, who's still inside the bathhouse. " And... you? "

" Me what? " He turns to me, his eyes full of anger. " I'll wait here. Take your bath. " He leans into the wall close to the door and stays there with his eyes closed. It's not the first time he does it... I know there are many after my life... I Can't complain... Much " Okay then! No looking! "

" As IF, " He yells. " Now, shut up and take your damn bath... "

 Lucavi does nothing. Merely stands there in silence. In the past, people tried to kill in moments like this... also while sleeping, while buying things for Nana. In truth, it's normal for Lucavi to watch over me while I bathe or sleep. " What do you think of that Hero? "

" He's a dumbass. " Lucavi responds rudely. He looks through the door and then at me. " Those things have grown. What's the use of it? "

" Things? " I try looking outside for said things... " I don't see any... Things... "

 He stares at me bathing. " YOUR things! Nana's bigger. Is it good for something? Maybe some power measure thing? "

" Power... Measure... Mine... things? " I'm plainly confused. What is he talking about... I don't have any... 'things' on me right now. I look at myself, trying to figure it out... " Are you talking about my boobs? "

" Yeah," He says with his infamous bored voice. He doesn't even try to hide. " What's the matter with those? "

" It's just that. Sometimes, I forget how clueless you are... " I ignore his presence and just focus on my bath.

" Clueless? What's with the sassy attitude? " He stares at me, his eyes demanding an answer. But that does not matter. " Answer me! " He looks pissed off, not because of what I said, but how I'm treating him, he hates not being able to manipulate me with fear.

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