His Hoodie

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you pushed open the door to your apartment and took slow steps inwards as you were tired from filling in for your co worker today and doing 2 hours extra. surprisingly, you were greeted by the fresh and ever so familiar scent of the delicacy that is harissa sauce. you engaged all your senses and walked deeper into the flat. it was only yesterday that you had helped elijah with his youtube video. he had informed you that it was being well-received by his fans. he seemed very happy that day.

you heard elijah's voice conversing with someone over the phone, "no dude- i let it cook for 15 minutes exactly! i didn't turn it off at 13 minutes, isha i swear- oh wait she's here! bye!" he hung up as he locked eyes with you.

he held out the bowl of harissa sauce pasta he had just made. it even had a breeze of mist gracing out from it, melting into the air.

in response, you just stood there with a confused look on your face. you were too tired from work to process what was happening properly but elijah thought you were judging his cooking skills, "hey! it's edible, i swear!" he frowned playfully.

you chuckled and added onto his joke while grabbing the bowl from him, "edible? well, sounds promising!"

you brought the hot bowl over to the table and elijah pulled out the chair for you as he sat down across from you. he rested his chin on the palm of his hands with curiosity twinkling in his eyes, "is it any good?" elijah asked when y/n took a bite of the food.

you nodded as the pasta was still in your mouth, "how'd you know i like harissa sauce pasta? it's my comfort food." you said after swallowing.

"i- that day, or in fact just yesterday i heard you talking to isha on the phone and you said how you like harissa sauce pasta after coming home from long days of work. today you had to fill in for that guy so i thought you'd need this! isha told me the recipe by the way." 

this put a smile on your face and you finished that pasta quite quickly.

you burped and he let out a chuckle, "it was so good, i inhaled it elijah!" 

now the both of you laughed in sync. you put your hands over his shoulder while his landed on your waist. you two got carried away and ended up being inches away from each other's faces. elijah stopped laughing and gazed at your face, taking in your features and due to the silence you stopped laughing too. in his head he even asked himself that, 'should i kiss her?'

"you know i love to eat ice cream right after a good dinner." you broke it off and stepped back.

he smiled and nodded while scratching the back of his neck. he felt awkward and he also felt as though, he had done something wrong and made you uncomfortable. 

"so i am going down the store to buy some ice cream, do you mind if i borrow this? mine isn't dry yet- and i think it must be cold out by now." y/n grabbed elijah's hoodie sitting on his couch. 

"sure!" he replied. 

then y/n went downstairs.


elijah threw himself on the couch and let out a deep sigh that he didn't even know he was holding in. he leaned back into the comfort-ness of the cushion and his eyes darted towards the ceiling. he kept changing his sitting position over and over again. he didn't know what was happening. he did feel happy about finally making the youtube video but he was now confused about his dynamic with y/n. there was an undeniable spark between the two of you, he felt.

he stood up and started rearranging small bits of furniture from one spot to another in an attempt to organize his mind and his living space both but it didn't work. suddenly, elijah felt the youtube video he made was not good enough. he doubted the words he said and the way he talked, just everything. a part of him even thought of taking the video down but then his fans would ask him even more questions.

he stood back and looked at his newly arranged apartment. he put his hand on his hips and sighed as he realized that in an attempt to make his apartment tidier, he ended up making it messier than it ever was. quite ironic. elijah walked himself over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka, stored away for occasions like these where he felt anxious and just needed to wash down the tension. though, he was still spilt about drinking tonight or not.

"i am back, loser!" y/n yelled while entering the apartment again and you walked in on elijah standing with the bottle of alcohol in his hands, "you just made dessert better!" you walked towards him and grabbed the bottle off him.

elijah was reluctant but you started pouring the both of you shots. one turned into two, two turned into three and three turned to six for you. elijah laid back and watched you get drunk, he wasn't on your level as he hadn't done that many shots.

"yeah ok now let's get you to bed!" he helped you stand up and put his arms around your shoulders.

"no let's get you to bed!" you switched up on him and wrapped your hands around him.

elijah chuckled, "but you are the drunk one-"

"yeah yeah sure gamer boy, nerd!."

"what did you just call me?!" he blinked.

you leaned into his face and burst out laughing very loudly then suddenly you started to play with his hair, "i like how soft your hair is- you have nice eyes an- and- you have a nice smile! and i like this too-" y/n slapped his ass in a blissfully unaware manner.

"ok it's officially time to go to bed now!" he blushed and took you towards your room as you still chuckled your head off. 

you were super tipsy and you know what comes with binge drinking? the aftermath. the getting sick part. you put your hand over your stomach and looked at elijah as your expressions dropped from happy to alarmed, "i am gonna-"

before you could even complete the sentence elijah understood it, he walked you towards the bathroom where you knelt down over the toilet and vomited. he helped you by holding your hair back and rubbing slow circles on your back to comfort you. it worked.

you were doing better yet you needed some sleep desperately. today had been a busy day and elijah understood so he walked you towards your bed and you sat down on it, "goodnight y/n, take care!" he prepared to leave but you tucked on the sleeve of his t shirt, "dont go." you mumbled.

elijah stayed back as your voice melted him. he sat down right next to you and looked at you, his eyes landed on your full lips and the voice in his head practically screamed at him to kiss you so ge leaned in... he even felt his lips touch yours in an intense moment. though, it all came to a halt when you started coughing and announced you were feeling cold.

elijah got up, switched off the fan and got you a warm blanket from his room. he dropped it over you as you laid down on your bed. he ruffled his hands through your hair and asked, "you feeling okay no-" he was forced to stop mid sentence when he realized you had already fallen asleep.

a smile formed on his face while looking at you. he thought you looked peaceful and as pretty as ever while resting. you were wearing his hoodie too, he thought it looked good on you and before he knew it, he dozed off to sleep as well while resting his head on the side of your pillow while still being knelt down on the ground.

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