So, Roomies?

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"so, roomies?" elijah said while unloading a big box of your stuff. he was helping you as this was the last box after all.

"mhm, we sure are." you were walking around in the spare room of his apartment, finding places to put your things. you were turning that spare room into y/n's room.

"we should do something fun to start this um- our roommateship, right, roomie?" he asked.

you looked at him, "yes if you promise to never call me roomie again.. "


y/n was sitting on the couch with the living room tv in front of you. you set your eyes on it and elijah fumbling with stuff in the kitchen behind you was background noise to you. elijah walked over to the couch with a bowl of popcorn in hand and a smirk on his face as he sat down next to you

"this movie better end before 7 pm. you know we are hanging out with sub and isha! we gotta tell them how good we are doing at not falling in love! " y/n joked and elijah laughed along with you.

y/n didn't feel uncomfortable, in fact you were loving the overall positive and amorous atmosphere of elijah's apartment. he wasn't that messy and even the hallways were clean. elijah had something on his mind. he did make that pinky promise but the devil on his shoulder had a voice which told him to find a way to get closer to y/n.

"don't worry! i have the perfect movie. it's horror and the running time is 2 hours." he smiled and put the movie on. he secretly wanted you to get scared by the jump scares and find comfort in his arms...

"ok then!" you shrugged as the movie started. elijah got up to switch off the lights so only the dim lit movie playing on the TV loomed up the room.

"setting the vibe, i see, i respect that!" you nodded and ate popcorn from the bowl sitting on his lap.

"yeah!" he put the bowl of popcorn in between the two of you.

the movie was slow in pace at first and both of you were munchers. since nothing entertaining was happening on screen you attacked the popcorn and so did elijah. a slip of coincidence and time let your hand touch his. you and him immediately pulled away. elijah cussed himself out for doing that. your touch felt amazing but he got nervous and retracted his hand back. he scoffed and ate popcorn in a grumpy way.

you were leaning into the comfort-ness of the couch when it happened. a jumpscare struck and you suddenly felt elijah jumping into your arms and whimpering with fear. when the jumpscare ended and the realization set in, he got off you. his plan had the opposite effect.

you laughed, "oh god you are going to make me check for monsters under your bed tonight, aren't you?"

"oh! gosh- no! this was just a prank! chill out man!" elijah brushed it off and went back to watching the movie even though he was beyond freaked out. he was scared to sleep alone.

"boo!" you screamed loudly in his ears and in response, he let out a scream louder than you and dropped the bowl of popcorn on the floor.

"now that's what you a call a prank!" you said, snarkily.

"i- i- am not scared y/n!" he replied in a stutter.

you laughed and eventually elijah joined in too because your smile was contagious, he felt. you two's laugh echoed in the living room of the apartment.


you fluttered open your eyes and that's when you realized you had fallen asleep. your gaze darted towards the clock which read 7:30 pm "shit!" you mumbled under your breath. you and elijah were late for your hangout session at the cafe with sub and isha.

Roommates ・❥・ (sketchxreader)Where stories live. Discover now