*Just try and stop it*

Start from the beginning

"My love. You have my heart, all eternity and if I... I die in the arena." The crowd began to scream boos and begs of no.

"My last thoughts will be of you, and your lips." Finnick seemed to freeze as he stared into the lens's of the screen. He was getting emotional as Flickerman then waved him off, introducing wirees.

As he came to your side his gaze on the floor, gently you reached out, squeezing his shoulder.

He'd survive.

You had his back. You weren't going to let him die and abandon Annie.

Not a chance.

He smiled a little at your comfort, putting a hand on yours on-top of his shoulder and squeezing.

A thank you.

After a long time, through Wirees and Beedees interview, then Enobaria. Finally, you reached Cado who walked on a stage with as much confidence as ever.

"Cato! Cato!" Flickerman cheered.

"Now. You are certainly a peculiar one I have to admit. Buff and strong and, here with a purpose, y/n." He said wiggling his brows at Cato who let out a small hoot of a laugh.

"When you get a girl like that? You'll understand Caesar if you were me." Cato smiled shrugging his shoulders. The crowd all loudly cheered. You couldn't help but scoff slightly.

He was too good.

Catos eyes then met yours, a wink towards you. The crowd however didn't miss it, smiling widely he then turned back to Flickerman.

"I'm sure you also saw Katniss and Peetas wedding?" Flickerman questioned, the crowd overtook again beginning to scream.

Cato swallowed, suddenly nerves appeared on his face. It wasn't the look he normally gave when he was nervous... it looked fake almost..

You felt your brows furrow. That wasn't like him. That wasn't like him at all.

"I did, and- well to put it in a simple way I would have married Y/n too if we weren't in the games its culture back home." He smirked slightly as Flickerman raised his brows.

What was he planning?

"Culture? Now that's new! What is the culture for?" Flickerman questioned as the crowd stayed silent.

Cato paused for a minute, turning to look at you, his eyes filled with a look of hope.

"Cmon Cato! You have to tell us!" Flickerman encouraged looking to the audience who all were patiently waiting in silence.

"For the baby of course." Cato pushed out confidently, almost cockily.

You could feel your jaw drop wide open. In the corner of your eye, Finnicks eyes flipped between you and Cato.

What the fuck?

The crowd began to loose it. Screams and boos filling the stadium. Taking over Flickermans voice. Stopping any further interviews.

You could hear people calling out for the games to stop, for you both to be removed from the games, or for it to be cancelled.

They really wanted the games to stop. They were booing the Capitol, their home. Their own leader.

Catos plan all along was truly genius..

Cato, then proceeded to ignore the rules of how the tributes should be lined up, walking up the steps, moving past district threes, giving Finnick a look before coming to you.

Catos large hands cupped your face, pressing his lips to yours, melting into your touch, before moving towards your ear.

"Told you I had a plan.." he muttered his arm winding around your waist as he then kissed your hairline, leaning to your side.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now