Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2

Start from the beginning

She finished whispering as Phoenix wrote down about Cody's camera before the Judge spoke up again.

Judge: Very well, Cody. Please testify to the court about what you saw the day of the incident.

Witness Testimony
-Witness's Account-

Cody: I wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehearsal, just once. I found a map on the Internet, and went to the studios that day. I went through the woods, off the path, so that old lady wouldn't catch me. I was going for the studio. I got kinda lost on the way, though. For about 30 minutes. When I came out by the studio, there was the Steel Samurai! It totally rocked! Right before my eyes, out came the bad guy! Of course, the Steel Samurai took him down! Pow! If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the time for a shot, I tell you. Anyway, I couldn't get into the studio, so I went home.

Judge: Hmm... Very well. The defense may begin its cross-examination. And, be gentle. Remember you're talking to a child.

Cody: ...

Phoenix: 'This kid is tougher than most adults we see in here, honestly...'

He groaned in his head right before Cody retold his testimony where he said about wishing that he had his camera he would've taken a picture of the Steel Samurai decided to press him more about the camera.

Phoenix: Objection! Cody, what you just said seems, well, a little strange. Didn't you say before that you always bring your digital camera wherever you go? You were quite clear about that.

Cody: Huh!?

Phoenix: Cody, you shouldn't lie here. You understand that, right?

Judge: Mr. Wright! A word with you...

Phoenix: 'Uh oh... was I putting the pressure on too much?'

He gulped in fear thinking it was him putting too much pressure on Cody, but the stern look on the Judge's face changed to a confused one.

Judge: What is this "digital" camera contraption you're talking about?

Phoenix: It's umm... a digital camera, Your Honor. It's kind of a new sort of camera. 'How do I explain that!?'

Judge: I see.

Phoenix: Anyway, Cody... I can't believe you wouldn't bring your camera on a trip to the studios! You did bring it, didn't you?

Cody: Umm...

Edgeworth: Objection! Mr. Wright! How cruel you are, to terrorize a poor child so!

Phoenix: I don't care if he's a child or a prosecuting attorney! No one should lie in court!

Edgeworth: What do you mean "or a prosecuting attorney"!?

Phoenix: Well, Cody?

Cody: Wh-what! Yeah, so I had my camera. So what!? You got a problem with that!?

He shouted as that made the gallery to whisper in shock that the boy did bring his camera to the Studios that day as the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone.

Judge: So, you did have a camera? And did you use this camera?

Cody: W-why would I use it? I... I was too busy watching.

Judge: Hmm... Very well. Please testify to the court about what you were so busy watching.

Witness Testimony
-What I saw-

Cody: Y-yeah, I had my camera with me. But I was glued to the action! I couldn't take my eyes off it! The Steel Samurai, he goes for the bad guy... wham! Then... then the bad guy stopped moving! He's so strong! The Steel Samurai rules!

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