Chapter ~ 1

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In a blissful morning, there are chirping sounds of birds and a hue of sunlight peeking through a window in a small and a very simple room. A figure is laying on single bed got stirred in her sleep from sunlight.
A girl open her honey brown eyes and sit on the bed . After sometime she went to bathroom to freshen up and start her day . Around 20 min later the girl comes out of the bathroom and dry her hair in front of a mirror . And she look at clock hanging on the wall and see the time . And she starts panicked because she is late and hurriedly runs to kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone. After 1 hour later a lady comes in the dinning room. And suddenly shouts

Women : Where is this girl and why is not breakfast is still not ready ??

Hearing her everyone and the girl comes in the dinning room and said

Girl: ummm...The breakfast is ready, I just going to come.

Woman : So , do that instead of back answering me .

Then the head of the family divendra said

Devendra (dadu) : stop shouting Rohani in the morning itself. And Roohanika bacche you don't have to maids will serve.

Rudra : Why will maids do that . We are not doing charity here and not specially for a person like her . We give her shelter, food and clothes then she have to work. You ( Roohanika) do it fast I am already late because of you .

Yes , the girl was Roohanika.

Roohanika do the work and stands at a corner, maids going to serve everyone but again stop by Rohani.

Rohani : stop , you girl ( Roohanika) why are you standing there like a statue, come and serve everyone.

Roohanika look at everyone and then maids standing there and looking at her. But nonetheless starting serving everyone bowing her down because of embarrassment and suddenly by mistake water got spill from her hand  on Nitya clothes and Nitya said

Nitya: You stupid, you ruin my dress , do you even know how much costly it is hnn .

And Nitya goes from there . Than rohani said

Rohani : Can't do one work properly . Because of you my child day stared worst and I am sure my day also going to ruin because I seen your unlucky face of yours .

Rohani said and left from there giving disgusting looks to her and than Rudra said

Rudra : I don't want any mistakes today and especially from you . And I want everyone ready on time and you ( Roohanika) manage everything for today party.

Rudra said and left and everyone also left one by one and at Devendra patted her head give a faint smile and left . When everyone left Roohanika looks at maids who some are giving her a pity look and some are giving blank looks like they got habitual of this . And a old maid ( Savita)  who worked from Roohanika's childhood asks

Savita : beta , tum bhi krlo nashta .
(Child , you also eat breakfast)

Roohanika: nhi , Mimi bhook nhi h .
( No, Mimi I don't feel hungry)

Savita : aese kese bhook nhi h Raat ko bhi nhi khaya ,aao mere Saath mein Apne haathoin se khiloingi aur phir Pure din kaam bhi to krna Hai .
( How come you are not hungry, you even don't eat at night , come I will feed you with my hands.)

Roohanika didn't said anything and Savita took her hand take her to her room and started feeding her  with her own hands and after left from her room.

After that Roohanika took her father and sister photo frame and sit on her window and remember her days when her family use to treat her as a Princess because she is the youngest in the house.

This is a daily routine of her life and it's not like Roohanika doesn't get hurt by these things  . She can live alone and nobody knows that she is a not only an  independent woman but a best seller author and a millionaire. But she hides from everyone because if her family got to know that they will stop her like she used get restricted from her family to do job or even go out and she even have no friends to share her misery because her family warn her if she makes friends then they stop let her education complete. They even never give her new books to study  and clothes to wear . She always given older books and used clothes of Nitya and even she is allowed to eat leftovers from their food .

Roohanika from her childhood try to told truth to her family but no one listen and blame her , sometime beat her and call her names like criminal, killer, bi*ch and bad luck  . It's leave a deep wound on her heart or what else you can expect from a 6 year old who see her loved ones dies , her family's creul behaviour and hate for her in their heart .

When Roohanika was a teenager she want to run away and live her life but she is dependant on her family for her small needs . But when Roohanika turns 19 she decided to leave everything on its own, when truth want to come out , so it will come out eventually and the day her family will know the truth she will leave them and never return . She is just enduring her family hatered to know how much far they can go . In the family she only love and respect her grandfather and she knows he try to do everything in his power to make her family understand but no one listen him regarding her .

After that she make arrangements and cheque everything twice for the party and at last she went to get ready .

In the evening, whole mansion were hustling and bustling with people and songs and many famous personalities coming to party and she is looking after dinner arrangements and everything. When she goes towards her mother to tell her about that food is ready to served , some women recognised her and hug her and other women questions about her to that women about Roohanika.

Women : she is princess of Amrit Bhai sa . He really loves her daughter so much.

Roohanika give a smile to her and suddenly her mother said in her very harsh words

Rohani : She is no one , she is the reason my husband and daughter died . She is just a bad luck . And you ( Roohanika) if dinner is ready , so go
serve it .

Roohanika looks at her mother who did not for once think to say such harsh words to her Infront of her friends. And when she looks towards other women some give her pity look  and some started gossiping about her . She just bowed her head and turns to go toward enterence to go in the garden but she bumped into someone but she hurriedly look towards him and said small sorry in a mere whisper. And goes to lawn and stand Infront of swimming pool and looks towards the moon . She shakes her head on herself, she knows this is not the first time her mother did something like that but it's hurt like a bi*ch  every single time . Her eyes got teary and she looks down in the swimming pool and found a man standing just behind her . But when she suddenly turns and looks towards his eyes with teary eyes  and blink to remove her tears and again look towards him and saw muscular man with  a 6'5  tall and so handsome and when she looked towards his eyes again she feel a cold and dominant aura from him and takes a step backwards to make some space between them but suddenly he hold her waist and pull towards him and she falls on his chest because of her short height.


Yours writer
Eternal Sunshine 🌞

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