Chapter 6

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Yeorin and Hyunsu sat in comfortable silence until Sukhyun decided to wake up.

"You had a nosebleed." Hyunsu told the confused man from beside Yeorin.

"I think it's pretty obvious." Hyunsu said.

Sukhyun took the bloody tissues out of his nose and looked at them "No way.. Why me?"

"Why not you." Yeorin mumbled and Sukhyun luckily didn't hear her. If he did he'd just start a commotion again.

Sukhyun suddenly stopped his crying and looked over at Hyunsu who was sitting with his eyes closed now.
Sukhyun Sprung to his feet and approached the youngers, making them both look at him.

"I know that you're holding out." He told Hyunsu.


Hyunsu averted eye contact with the man and looked down "You're shameless."

"Please help me. I want to live." Sukhyun gritted out.

"I can't help you." Hyunsu told him.


"I have nothing else to say to you."

Sukhyun didn't say anything and Hyunsu slowly lowered his head again, closing his eyes.

"Then you."

Yeorin raised her eyebrows when Sukhyun suddenly addressed her.
"Why are you here? Are you going to ch- change too? What's with you?" The man went to stand in front of Yeorin and slowly raised his voice.

"You help me! I don't want to die!" He said grabbing Yeorins wrist in a harsh grip.

"Ya-" Yeorin yelped and Sukyhuns hand was ripped off, looking over at Hyunsu who was staring the man down with his black eyes.

"Leave us alone." Hyunsu said to Sukhyun and you could visibly see his grip on the man tightening.

Hyunsu let go of Sukhyun and the man backed off.
Yeorin looked at the floor awkwardly, holding her wrist. It didn't hurt much, it just gave her a tug back in the past that she'd like to forget..

"Are you okay?" Asked Hyunsu from beside her and analyzed her wrist with his eyes.

"Yeah all good, I'm uh- going to see what the others are doing. See you later." Yeorin said and slowly stood up, Hyunsu watching her until she was away.

Yeorin made her way to the bathroom, tears brimming the corner of her eyes but she gulped then down, refusing to cry.

Yeorin haltered when she saw Jisu in the bathroom, splashing her face with water.



The two girls greeted a bit awkward. Both could see the distress of the other, having a mutual understanding to leave it alone.

Yeorin walked to the sink and looked herself in the mirror in front of her.
The memories continued to hit her and this time she let them...


"You're late."

"I know I'm sorry.." Yeorin mumbled after entering her home. Her father looked her up and down, from the ripped t-shirt to the slightly dirty pants.

"You look like a slut. Where did you go off to?" Her father spat out with a frown.

Yeorins eyes welled with tears. You look like a slut.
Is that why this happened to me? Yeorin asked herself, recalling what happened just half an hour ago, it also being the reason she was late.

𝐃𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 | 𝚂𝚆𝙴𝙴𝚃 𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora