1.03 Potential Solution

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We lost Tinkler two days ago. After I woke up in Jack's bed again, I did as I had the time prior. Still, I regret leaving him a note instead of just staying until he was awake. It would be amazing to wake up and cuddle into his chest, just talk about anything we wish as the sun rises. However, I had to go home once again. This time it was Belle who saved me from our mother's wrath -- telling the woman that I was with her since we arrived to the estate at the same time.

I haven't been back to the hospital since I left. Mother has been eager to find me a good suiter even though the last one is still here. She is even trying to get me to talk to him still too. All I have wanted to do for the last two days is go back to the hospital, crawl into Jack's arms and never leave.

Thankfully, today, I am able to leave this god forsaken estate and go back to the hospital. I threw on my black cloak and left the house relatively fast. The first thing I did at the hospital was check on Charlie. He isn't doing any better, but he hasn't gotten any worse. I'll take that as good news for now. I then walked into the morgue to see they cleaned up Tinkler already. They left a rag on his course, however. I removed it only to see the infection was gone.

My eyes widened. Whatever was on this rag eliminated the infection. I am not sure if it worked deep down in the wound or if it were just on the surface, but it took away infection none the less.

Quickly, I rushed upstairs. The moment I made it to the top, I was lucky to run into Hetty. "Oh, Nurse Baggett, what did you clean the morgue with?" I asked her. That has to be what was on the rag. It was likely left on Tinkler, because lets face it, the man wouldn't mind any more. Her face dropped in confusion. "Carbolic acid, like you asked. Or is there a problem, ma'am?" she asked me. I shook my head no. "No. Quite the opposite." I told her. I walked away from her. I must find Jack. The cure, or at least the probable cure to infection is carbolic acid. This is going to be one tough thing to explain. I should return home and find that book of chemicals that explains the acid a bit more first. Even better, I can look into the Lancet and see what the recent medical discoveries about infections are.

Without thinking much of it, I returned home immediately. Unfortunately, because it is getting dark already, I will have to dress in my night gown before I could search father's study. Once I was dressed, I began to search all of the books. Every time it wasn't the book I wanted, I threw it to the floor. That way I will know that have checked it already.

After a hour, and most of the books on the floor, I came up empty. "It was here" I huffed as I stared at the now mostly bare shelves. "Sister, what happened in here?" Belle asked. "I am looking for a book. I cannot find it" I expressed, frustration lacing my tone. "Well... they are all on the floor, Kimberley" she said. I rolled my eyes at her. "They are on the floor because they are not the book I am looking for" I huffed. I glanced over the books that were still on the shelf in various placed, but nothing.

I heard voices coming towards me, but I do not care. It sounds like father and Gaines. Something about the missing funds for the soldiers. I looked at Belle with wide eyes. This is bad. Very bad. Wait? Did Jack do this? Did I leave him alone for two nights and now the economy is on the verge of breaking because the soldiers can't get paid? Did it happen before?

The moment Gaines left, Belle and I turned to father. "Is it as bad as it sounds, father?" she asked him. "Oh. Uncle Dickie got a dukedom." father said. I rolled my eyes. He likely doesn't understand the severity of the situation. That, or he does but doesn't want to make Belle more worried -- I am praying it is that. "Cheer up. Maybe he'll get malaria for you." I said to father as I leaned on his desk. "We live in hope." he said. Shockingly enough, he actually sounded to mean it. Does he know what malaria is? Because that is not something to wish on someone.

I crossed my arms as I hardened my face. My book, he had my book. "Where's my Lancet?" I asked him. He looked scarily confused. "Your what?" he asked. He was the one to buy it for me, how does he not remember what it is? He seemed interested in it at the time. "Medical journal. Where?" I asked him. A look of realization took over his face. "Fanny borrowed some books." he replied. Oh god. This will not be good. This girl will be the end of me.

I walked past him. Where is Fanny? I am guessing wither the living room or her bed room. I'll check the living room first seeing as it is closest. "What about my library?" father called after me. "It's not like you read any of them!" I called back over my shoulder.

I crossed the hall and stopped in the doorway of the living room. Fanny is asleep on the couch. How could that be comfortable, the way she seems to be ever so gracefully placed makes her head at a really weird angel. "Guards!" she called panicked. I rolled my eyes at her. "Shh. It's just me." I told her as I looked around the room. "I know. Guards!" she called again. Although, this time her tone of voice was far more playful -- she did however hold a little bit of frustration. She must have liked her dream. "Have you been here all night?" I asked her. There was a slight mess about, the maids would have usually gotten it by now, unless she was here. "You're not the only one with interests, Kimberley." she told me. Interests? Does she mean men again. I swear, she has a one track mins. I found my book resting on the table beneath all of the other books. I quickly shoved the none necessary one off before picking mine up. It was open ever so slightly because there was something in it. I opened the book to find flowers.

My jaw dropped a little. Fanny ruined the book with her stupid flowers. I held the book so the flowers would fall to the table. "Those are for you!" Fanny complained. Now it would usually be sweet, however this time it just makes me angry. She destroyed my brand new book to press a few meaningless flowers that she could have placed under all of the books instead of inside it. "I waited three months for this and you just ruined it!" I said upset. I huffed and left. I retired back to my room in hopes that I can find the solution. I wish to return to the hospital as soon as I have a solution, or a potential one at that. And with the need for the cure to infection, sleep is not as important -- just a few hours so I'm not a dead girl walking. Which means, all nighter here I come.

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