Bill smiled and took out a picture from his wallet. He passed it to Draco and Harry and they looked at the moving picture of a crawling baby, fondly.

"She just started walking and trust me she is now a little menace," Bill said.

"Don't you dare say anything to my granddaughter," They all heard the angry voice of Mrs. Weasely. She walked towards them and said to Bill. "She is nothing in comparison to you. You were the biggest menace amongst all your siblings."

Bill's face colored as he was embarrassed at the sudden attack.

"Oh dear, Harry, it's been so long. How are you, my child?" Mrs Weasely asked as soon as her eyes fell on Harry.

Harry stood up and Mrs Weasely took him in a bone-crushing hug.

"I am fine, Molly. How are you?"

"Fine as always. We all miss you, Harry. Please join us more often."

"You know my reasons, Molly."

"I will tear her apart if she opens her mouth tonight," Mrs Weasely said angrily. "No need Molly, I can deal with her, don't worry."

Draco understood that they were talking about Ginny. He hoped that Ginny wouldn't act coldly with his presence. Molly looked at Draco and he stood up and walked towards her. He bowed down and said. "Hello Mrs Weasely."

Molly smiled and took him in a tight hug, making him shock. He looked at Harry with wide eyes while Harry just smiled and shrugged his shoulder.

"Please call me Molly and we meet each other with hugs, not bows," Molly said.

Draco nodded with a smile and said. "I am sorry.."

"Don't say a word, dear. Harry trusts you so even we trust you. He has forgiven you so even we have forgiven you. Don't apologize, please." Molly said.

Draco had tears in his eyes seeing so much love and acceptance for the first time in his life.

"Don't cry, dear," Molly said immediately as she saw tears in his eyes.

"It's just my stupid hormones," Draco said and wiped his eyes. He forgot that they had no clue about his pregnancy.

"Hormones?" Molly asked in a questioning tone while Draco and Harry both got a little anxious about what to answer her.

"This is a small gift from us," Harry said trying to divert the topic, and extended a few boxes of chocolate cookies to Molly.

"There was no need for this. Ahh, these are my favorite cookies. You are so considerate, Harry."

Harry smiled and Molly left from there towards the kitchen.

"Smart save," Draco whispered.

"Stop giving us away," Harry said to which Draco gave him a sheepish smile.

"Where are Ron and Hermione?" Harry asked George as they again settled themselves on the couch.

"They are late and Mom won't be happy with them. They are going to get a lecture from her. She hates latecomers." George said the last line to Draco who gave him a questioning look.

"So how did you guys fall for each other?" George asked with a smirk on his lips.

"It's just my charms," Draco replied with his Malfoy auro then smiled.

Harry raised his eyebrows seeing this side of Draco which was rare. Maybe this was because he was happy as he felt accepted here in between these redheads.

"That's true. He has wrapped me up in his tiny finger." Harry replied with humor.

"Of course, he has, after all that's what Malfoy knows to do. Trap famous people in their charms and transform them into their servants," They heard Ginny saying this as she walked towards them.

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