Chapter 38: Do you always give into temptation?

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Tristan's grasp tightens around my waist, while inching his face closer and closer to mine. He brushes his lips softly against mine, sending inevitable feelings running a marathon.

"You really tempting me Angel." He chuckles softly.

"Do you always give into temptation?" I tease him.

"Nope. But I'm gonna make an exception."

Without giving me a chance to understand what he meant, he close the distance between our lips, smashing his lips gently against mine. Realization finally kicking in, I immediately respond by kissing him back, sending a hand to his neck, pulling him closer. I feel him smile against my lips and he deepens the kiss by forcefully opening my mouth and I allow him. Different emotions race up and down my mind, fireworks dance in my mind and I feel like I'm higher than cloud nine. In this moment, I seem to forget about every pain and hurt, and I focus on the one and only guy that-- I admit-- I'm falling for.


He continues to pull me impossibly closer and one of his hands caress my cheek, while my hand moves from his neck to tug at his hair. He softly moans into the kiss and gently bites my bottom lip, teasing me. Sadly, humans have to breathe to inhale oxygen, so I'm the first to pull away, Tristan rests his forehead against mine. His eyes don't leave mine and we both have goofy grins plastered on our flustered faces.

All of a sudden, a thought kicks in. . . I just had my first kiss!

I know what you're thinking. . . How can a girl, who happens to call herself a 'bad girl', experience her first kiss now?

Well, let me tell you. With the childhood I've had, no one really wanted to get close to the nerd and everyone distanced themselves away from me. No guy ever dared to reach out to me or ask me out. I was always stuck with my brother and his friends, whom I also treated as an older brother.

"I've always wanted to do that for a long time." Tristan breathes out, but I send him a sad pout.

"What's wrong?" He worries.

"You're a thief." I point out.

"A thief?" Confusion overcomes his perfectly sculptured face.

"Yes." I pout again. "You stole my first kiss."

A look of surprise catches his face, before starting to laugh like a mad person. When he realize that I'm serious, his laugh begin to falter.

"You're serious?" He asks.

"Yes." I look down trying to hide my deep blush.

A finger tilts my head up, until I'm looking into familiar haze eyes, which even continued to glow brightly in darkness.

"Well, I'm glad." He leans down to give me a small peck. "Just proves that they've always been mine."

I let out an unladylike snort as I laugh at Tristan's statement. "You never cease to make me laugh."

"One of my favorite talents." He grins.

"I didn't know you had talents." I state saracstically.

"I'm cold." Tristan deadpans at my sarcastic remark and starts swimming to the shore, pulling me along with him.

Our feet finally touch the surface and we trudge to dry ground. The cold win intensifies, biting my skin through the shell of clothing around me and I actually run to Tristan to wrap my arms around his waist. His bare chest managed to remain warm all this time and soon the warmth is passed to me. Tristan's chuckle fills the cold space, and I feel the vibration of his voice through his chest, but he nonetheless wraps his arms around me, along with his signature honeydew with an expensive mask smell.

"This is your fault." I say between the load chattering of my teeth. "You and your stupid actions." I mutter.

"It's not my fault you refused to forgive me." He shrugs.

"But it's your fault you're an idiot." I roll my eyes.

I can imagine him rolling his eyes even in the dark moonlight. We continue walking for about five minutes until we see Tristan's car in view. We quicken our pace and make a run for the car. Tristan picks up his shirt along the way, and we both violently open the car's door and throw ourselves in. The slight warmth dancing in the car actually makes a difference, but Tristan turns on the car heater to speed up the heating process.

"That was fun." He genuinely smiles.

"If I wake up with a cold, I swear I'll make you want to organize your own funeral." I threaten.

"Is that a threat?" He smirks.

"It's a promise." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Don't worry, Angel. I have a sweater in my backseat that you could borrow to keep yourself warm." He laughs.

I wouldn't laugh if you knew what was going on in my mind.

"Your sweater? Backseat?" My eyes perk up.

Its one of those moments when your boyfriend 'lends' you his sweater or hoodie (although me & Tristan aren't dating right now, I don't know where we stand since we kissed) and then you don't give it back because it smells too good? If it is, then I'm not returning his sweater.

"Yes. You can change in the bush." He says.

"Excuse me? I don't want to visit your home." I retort.

"Wow." He says flatly.

"Okay. Don't look." I say as I climb my way to the backseat.


"Don't leave, he'll kill me!" The tears continue to inevitably gush out of my eyes as I cry for my life.

"Not my problem." He just shrugs it off and shuts the unknown basement door, allowing pure darkness to utterly consume every known corner in the room. The tears won't stop falling and the pain doesn't seem to fade.

I'm in a nightmare, but I can't escape it, for I'm not even sleeping. He just left me, threw me in the hands of the enemy. My hands struggle to break free, my wrists kiss each other and a tight rope ensures that they don't break away. Every passing second causes my legs to feel weak and the uncomfortable chair carrying me isn't helping.
I'm scared.

He's going to kill me.

Henry and his men are going to kill me.

The man from my last fight is also after me. He wants me.

I wondered why Henry hasn't contacted me over about two weeks. He was allowing me to relax, only to snatch me away with his tiger's claw. . . away from my loved ones. But what hurts the most is. . . my brother allowed it.

"Angel, wake up." A voice stirs me awake, cutting my dream in the process.

"Conner. . . Please. . ."

"Angel. . . Hailey." Tristan's voice pulls me out of my nightmare, and a look of concern flashes across his face.

"Huh?" I wipe my sleep induced eyes to try and fully awaken.

"We're here." He says

I look up to see that we've reached the mansion already and Tristan has his car already parked.

"Come on, let's go." He gets out of the car and I lazily follow him out.


They finally kissed! Are you guys happy about that? I know I am.

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-Savannah pirtle

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