Chapter 26: Nobody's too old for minions

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I got the eye of a tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
Cause I am a Champion,
And you're gonna hear me roar

Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a--

My beautiful, if I may say, singing as well as my expert dancing, is interrupted by the sound of the door bell ringing. I would ask my mom to get the door, but she's not here. I'm home alone.

I quickly put in a popcorn packet in the microwave and I heat it up before leaving the kitchen to see who's at the door. I twist the knob and open the door-- Jordan's at my door.

Jordan's at my door?

"Hello?" He waves a hand in front of my face, trying to catch my attention.

"Jordan? What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"No 'hi'?" He quirks his eyebrow.

"No time for that. What are you doing at my house?"

"Talk about manners," he mutters sarcastically. "I came to hang out with you since Chase has gone out with Kaitlyn, and Tristan is on his period."

Chase and Kaitlyn, huh?

I see them. Kaitlyn has a lot of explaining to do on Monday.

I'm not surprised Tristan is moody today. Ever since yesterday, his mood has gone down. He built an indestructible wall around himself.


"Tristan, please explain to me what the hell happened?" Tristan has been mad since we left the arena. His eyes are fixated on the road ahead, not sparing me a single glare. One can notice that he's consumed by his deep thoughts.

But that doesn't give him a reason to avoid me, does it?

"Tristan?" I prod.

"Can you please just shut your mouth for a second?" He snaps at me. Anger's controlling him. His tone is supplying enough evidence.

I know he's not angry with me, but knowing that he snapped out on me, makes me feel upset.

"I-I'm sorry, It's just--" He tries to speak, but I stop him.

"It's okay. Just get me home." I stare outside the window, to avoid him.

Ever since Tristan dropped me off, I haven't contacted him. He sent me an apologetic text, but I never responded. Didn't have energy to waste on people who can't control their anger.

Except me. Have energy to waste on myself, since I'm one those people.

I'm a hypocrite. I know.

"Hello? Are you gonna let me in or are you gonna keep on staring at who knows what." Jordan's voice pulls me out of my reverie.

"Oh, yeah. Come in. I just made popcorn." I step away from the doorway to allow Jordan to enter.

"Nice place." I hear Jordan say as I walk into the kitchen.

"Thanks. It's cool, I guess." I take out a bowl from the kitchen cupboard and retrieve the popcorn from the microwave, before pouring out its contents into the bowl.

"Cool? It's awesome. It's a mansion!"

"Now you're exaggerating. It's not that big." I walk out of the kitchen with the bowl of popcorn in one hand and a butter salt container clutched in the other hand.

"Have you seen your house?" He asks dryly. He's seated on one of the couches, facing the huge flat screen HD TV hung on the wall.

Our house isn't really a mansion-- as I've mentioned before-- it's just. . . big. Yes, we have fountain layed across the driveway and grey pillars support the outside structure. A marble floor layers the house. The backyard has a swimming pool and a lapa. My mother's recent blooming garden also happens to be there.

The inside, has a white and grey color scheme. A crystal chandelier hangs above the hall next to our dining room. Its crystals sparkle under the light at night. There are six bedrooms, each with their own ensuite.

So to come to a conclusion, our house isn't a mansion. Well, compared to other mansion, of course.

"You guys have a hall." Jordan pointed out.

I shrug and say, "I used to dance so my parents thought it'll help me practice and come in handy when they host dinner parties." I sit next to him on the couch and put the bowl of popcorn on his lap.

"Okay, whatever you say." He says without believing any word that escaped my mouth.

"What movie would you like to watch?" I ask him as I page through the channels.

"Despicable Me 3, please." He grins like a five year old. He's actually adorable. He's hot as well, but not Tristan hot.

Those words are so foreign to my lips, or thoughts.

"What are you five?" I laugh and insert the movie into the DVD player.

"Nobody's too old for minions." He says as a matter-of-factly.



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See you guys in the next one.

-Savannah Pirtle

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