Chapter 11: I'll leave you in your ugliness then

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Have you ever felt like sleeping for the whole day, with not a single thing or someone disturbing you?

I have and right now, these are one of those moments. I am lying on my bed with my body spread across the entire bed. Unfortunately, I have to leave my comfort spot and freshen up. Why? Because of a stupid beach party that I was forced to attend.

I arrived home from school, sleep deprived, and all I want to do is rest. But I can't because Peyton called me to tell me that she'll be arriving at my house in five minutes from now. Which means no sleep for me, even after a whole week of torture.

Thursday Jordan decided that it would be funny to prank our math teacher, Mr. Thompson, by putting a chili bomb on his desk. When the bomb exploded, Mr. Thompson's face became more red then the chili and I could see smoke seeping out of his ears and he was seething. Jordan was given detention, although it didn't bother him. So I decided to stay after school to help him clean the classroom.

I'm a good friend, aren't I?

Today at school, Luke thought it would be fun to start a food fight in the cafeteria. He started off by throwing food at Nate who threw food back at him. The two continued to fight and soon the whole table was covered in food. Then someone amongst the learners decided that it would be a good idea to yell, "Food fight!" to the whole cafeteria and that caused the principal to show up.

The principal punished only our table for the cause of the cafeteria outrage and forced us to clean up the whole cafeteria on our own. We all blamed Luke for it, but his excuse was that 'it wasn't his fault that Nate decided to throw food back at him, even though they said that we should not take revenge.'

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I hear a knock at the door and grunt before walking to the door. I throw the door open to reveal a wide grinning Kaitlyn and Cathy.

"Hi!" They greet. Their faces exude excitement, which is something that is not in me right now.

"Hi." I greet flatly.

"Okay, I think someone is grumpy." Kaitlyn says sarcastically.

"No kidding." I reply sarcastically and throw myself back on my bed and allow them to come in.

"What's wrong?" Cathy asks.

"I don't wanna go." I whine.

"Oh no missy, you are going." Kaitlyn warns.

"But I don't want to." I give them my best puppy dog eyes. Nobody ever escapes my puppy eyes. They are hypnotic.

"Not working." Kaitlyn deadpans.

Did I speak too soon?

"But why?" I whine.

"Because I was invited to hang out with one of the most popular guys in school and I think I like him and because I don't want to go alone, you guys have to be there and I mean all of you, so if you're no there I'm not going and if I'm not going I'm gonna cry forever and it's all gonna be your fault." She says too quickly without catching a breath.

"Katy, calm down." Cathy calms her down.

"Fine." I sigh, earning a cheerful squeak from Kaitlyn.

Someone help me.

I walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower. Then, I walk back to my bedroom and find three outfits layed out neatly on the bed and next to it, layed a blue and white polka-dotted bikini.

"You like?" Asks Peyton.

Peyton? When did she get in here? Kaitlyn and Cathy aren't in the room either. Did I miss something or was that just weird? They probably left or they might be downstairs.

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