Chapter 13: The point is. . .

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Boss needs to see you.

Ugh, you have got to be kidding me. I read the text message I received a few minutes ago.

Too busy.

I replied. I'm still at the beach with my friends, having fun but this person had to interrupt me today.

It's an order.


I'll be there.

I turned off my phone furiously. My day was going so well, but I guess good things have to come to and end, even if it means sacrificing your precious time for a good for nothing asshole.

"You're not going." Tristan growls behind me, looking over my shoulder to read my text messages. 

"I don't have a choice, and you know it." I say.


"Hailey!" He greets me with this cold voice. "And I see you've brought my friend as well."

"I'm not your friend!" Tristan growls at him. His fists are clenched on both sides of his body and his knuckles are becoming white.

We are in Henry's office, if you haven't guessed it. He's sitting at the other end of his brown wooden desk, leaning his back against the leather chair, with his hands interwined.

"Can we hurry this up, I'm bored." I interrupted their bickering. I am really bored. Right now, I could've been sitting with the girls, talking about whatever comes to our minds. Or I could've been self tanning on the beach sand or reading a book as I listen to the calming waves as they splash on the shore.

"You better watch your tongue." Henry warns me. He doesn't really scare me that much because he knows that he can't harm me, since I'm his best fighter and I bring the most amount of money for him and because I'm undefeated. (And a teenage girl)

"Look, I just want to get out of here."

"I see you've learnt to talk." Irritation is evident in his voice.

"I always knew how to ta--"

Tristan cuts me off. "Can you hurry up and tell me why you called us." He says to Henry, but I don't miss the look of amusement that spread across his face.

"Technically, I called Hailey. You're just always following her." Henry states.

"I'm just protecting her from the sick bastard--"

"The point is. . ." he turns to look at me, as he cuts Tristan off. "You're fighting tonight."

"What?!" I question. "The fight isn't until next week." I argue.

"You have no choice. And you know what happens if you don't!" He slams his palms against the desk and stands up, violently pushes his chair back.

"She will fight." Tristan growls.

"What?! I'm not ready." I turn to Tristan and give him a dubious look.

"I'll help you."

"Good, it's settled then." Henry grins maliciously.


"Are you crazy?!" I yell at Tristan as he drives his car, but his gaze is settled on the road ahead and his not sparing me a glance.


"And now you're avoiding me?!" This guy is incredulous.

I hate fighting unprepared. I first have to get my body ready. Physically and mentally. I know you can't exercise or train for a day or few hours and except to be in good shape. But I think I'll manage for today since that frickin' son of a motherless goat decided to tell me that I have to fight tonight!

I don't have fights regulary, just occasionally, if I should say. I only fight when Henry is out of fighters for the night or when there's a special event and he wants to make some extra cash.

So I don't usually train a lot. But I do manage my body by running around the block a few times or I just dance to get some exercise.

I do hate fighting, since I hate violence. Ironic, I know. But sadly, I'm forced to because if I don't, I'll have some serious consequences to suffer, and those include pain and that's too much to endure.

Seeing as how pointless it is too keep trying to the idiot driving this car, I decided to keep my mouth shut and look outside the window and stare that the view of the hazy building as we pass them.

"Glad you decided to keep quiet." Tristan says to me and I hear him let out a slight chuckle.

"Jerk." I say.




And that. . . shut me up.


Hey, my lovely readers. What do you guys think of this chapter?

Thanks for any support you guys have given me, I know I don't have many things posted on my account, but I am working on getting all of my books up from one of my old account that got took down.

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment below and I'll see you guys in another chapter.

Love you guys! 🖤

-Savannah Pirtle

Hailey: Wait! Before you go, I have to complain.

Author: (Sighs) About what?

Hailey: Tristan. He's being such a complete asshole

Tristan: What did I do?

Hailey: You're being a jerk!!

Tristan: I am not! I'm just avoiding you because you're annoying me like cra--

Author: (Cuts Tristan off) Just stop it! Both of you!! *Calms down* Sorry about that my fellow readers. I'll deal with them.

And again, don't forget to comment and vote down below. And follow me here on Wattpad.

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