"With the carriage ride, I'm assuming?"

Clearly annoyed by her awareness, the nurse rolled their eyes. "Everyone around town is talking about it. And, has been for the last few days."

"Reasonably so, there have been plenty of tourists and surprised guests, lately."

"I just wish that wasn't the case. I miss when the kingdom was our secret haven. Ever since it was saved, now there's these air balloons all over the place." Trying to return to the matter at hand, the nurse shifted the conversation mid-speech. "That all being said, I hope you take this time to recuperate, seriously." Now moving back to the door, the nurse bid her goodnight. "More guests means more regulation. I'd love to house you forever, you're one of the most tolerable patients I've had for years."

The watcher smiled, ready to give a compliment back. "You've done an excellent job, for me and many other watchers you've offered service to."

"Thank you, First Watcher." The Nurse smiled back. "Your medication pills are set on the table. I figured you'd get to it once you got back from your little adventure."

"I wish I wasn't so obvious."

"Be careful, though, they're known to make you feel drowsy." The Nurse warned, putting up two fingers as an indication she was only meant to take two. "As long as you have a couple every day, you should recover quickly."

Nodding her head, the watcher fiddled with her fingers. Just as the Nurse was about to leave, Caramel Arrow called for them again. "Will the..." Once the Nurse turned around to look at her, she felt herself getting even more nervous. "...pills...do you know if they'll have any effect on my dreams?"

"If I have to be honest with you, I know very little on the lucid effect it may perform while in your dream state."


"But, I encourage you to sleep, regardless. Your body deserves the rest."


"Goodnight, First Watcher. I promise you'll be my first priority when I clock in tomorrow." The Nurse calmly be exited the room and closed the door.

"Thank you. And, goodnight to you too."

Once again, she was left alone. Her thoughts and her emotions could roam freely now. Nobody was there to help her block out any of them. She was forced to sit with it, like always. Slowly, and on all fours, she crawled her way to the coffee table. The closer she got, the more hesitant she was on taking those pills. The last thing she wanted to do was sleep. Finally growing the courage, she popped them in her mouth, and watered it down with her bowl of soup. Taking herself to bed, she turned off the light and tucked herself in. Being sure to not block off the moonlight that was coming into her room.
"I need a plan." She began to scold herself, whispering as she played with her hands. "I shouldn't be here..." Sighing she tossed herself over to the side, beginning to curl her body up to soak up all the warmth. "I shouldn't have agreed to his demands...it's my own fault I'm here." Digging her head deeper into the pillow, she pressed her hand on top of it, clutching onto the fluff inside. "Though...I fear I may not have done it so different." Slowly, her eyes began to close. "If I was given another chance." Falling into her slumber, her grip on the pillow loosened and her body unfolded itself. As her body was shutting down, suddenly, there was a noise coming from the woods. One she knew all too well. Within seconds a large sum of howls invaded the night's silence. All of its tranquility faulted at the sound of pain and despair. Her eyes widened at the sound of their cries getting louder and louder. Her upper body had risen, with her palms laid out to offer her leverage. Once again, she was drawn right back to that window. But, only this time, was she hesitant on getting closer. She knew what those howls meant, and what they signified based on how long each one lasted. One of her hands covered her mouth as she tried to speak. Her voice aching at the astonishment she's a mere witness to. "He's actually looking for me. This can't be good." Her eyes refused to focus the more she left herself prone to listening. "I can't have him interfere with my battles." Those cries continued to trigger her sentences, and more so, her memories. "I just can't."

The Biggest Twist Of All (Affocara)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon