As Robb and his force neared the center of the city, the wights, distracted by the battle raging at the city gates, began to abandon their posts, streaming towards the fight. The Night King, however, remained fixed on his prey, and with a wave of his arm, the undead dragon soared into the air, its wings flapping heavily as it bore down upon them.

Daenerys, sensing the moment was right, shouted a command to Rhaegal, and the great dragon dived towards the undead Viserion, its claws outstretched to rend the monstrous creature from the sky. The battle between the two dragons was a sight to behold, as they wheeled and twisted through the air, their massive bodies crashing into one another with bone-shattering force. Morgana, meanwhile, continued to support her allies with her elemental magic, using her control over the wind to buffet the Night King and his undead minions, disrupting their attacks and giving Robb and his men a precious opening.

As the battle raged on, Jon Snow, unable to sit idly by any longer, abandoned his position at the city gates and rode towards the center of the city. He dismounted his horse and drew his sword, charging headlong into the fray. His presence was felt immediately, as the wights nearest him charged. Seeing their leader, the Starks, engaged in the heart of the battle, the Westerosi soldiers redoubled their efforts, fighting with renewed vigor and determination.

The battle between Drogon and the undead Viserion continued unabated, with neither dragon gaining the upper hand.

Meanwhile, Robb Stark and his elite force engaged the wights, fighting with a fury that seemed to match the power of the dragons' battle above them. Jon Snow joined the fray, his sword singing through the air as he cut down wight after wight.

Morgana Baratheon, ever vigilant, continued to harry the Night King and his minions with her elemental magic, her dragon, Darkfyre, keeping a watchful eye on the undead Viserion and occasionally diving in to disrupt its attacks.

The battle between Drogon and the undead Viserion was a sight to behold, as the two mighty creatures wheeled and twisted through the air, their massive bodies colliding with bone-shattering force. The city of King's Landing, meanwhile, burned beneath them, the flames licking at the buildings and the screams of the dying filling the air.

Robb Stark and his elite force fought with a fierce determination, cutting down wave after wave of the undead wights that threatened to overwhelm them. Jon Snow, now fighting at their side, was a force of nature, his sword slashing through the air like a whirlwind, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Meanwhile, the battle between Drogon and the undead Viserion continued to rage overhead, the two dragons locked in a deadly embrace. Their claws and teeth raked at each other's scales, and their thrashing tails sent debris flying through the air.

Morgana knew she was meant to forge Lightbringer for the Prince That Was Promised, Jon Snow, but she had no idea how.

In the Age of Heroes, Azor Ahai, the creator of Lightbringer, forged the legendary sword by plunging it through the heart of his wife, Nissa Nissa.

The memory of that terrible act had haunted Morgana ever since she had learned of it, and she could not help but wonder if she herself was destined to repeat it. As she watched the battle raging around her, she felt a strange, unsettling connection to the events of the past.

Drogon and the undead Viserion continued their furious struggle, their movements growing ever more desperate as they sought to gain the upper hand. Morgana's heart ached for the living dragon, feeling a kinship with it that she could not explain. She knew that she had to do something, but what?

Robb Stark and Jon Snow fought valiantly, their swords singing through the air as they cleaved through the ranks of the undead. The elite force fought with a ferocity that belied their small numbers, but the wights seemed to be endless.

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