Battle Royale // Part 2 \\

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"Get yourself ready but remember no magic at all" Arthur told Kate as he turned his attention to her as Kate reluctantly agreed with a small nod of her head before turning to exit the stand to collect her Salater, which for some reason, Arthur is letting her use but he told her to only use one mode in it as Kate decided to stick to the polearm move since she needed to learn how to fight with it more effectively anyways. She exited the stands and walked down the small steps that led onto the field as Galahad stood in the middle of the field, holding the same scroll as the tournament was just entering its finale rounds now as he read out the scroll with a loud voice.

"We have reached the finale moments of our great battles, now, the opportunities will become fierce as our Warrior in Pink will take on the remaining opponents that will go against her" Galahad started as Kate stepped onto the field, her Salater changed into polearm as she kept it behind her back.
"Queen Kate of House Psycia" Galahad called out as the stands exploded in small cheers, Arthur watching Kate knowing that this battle would entertain him before Galahad read out the scroll and turned the opposite side, a hooded figure has appeared against Kate who seemed to have been the same height as her, maybe taller as Kate noticed the weirdly faded-out pink armour the figure bared as the figure stood against her.
"And her opponent - reigning from beyond, 'Exchubula'" Galahad had trouble pronouncing the opponent's name but a sense of dread suddenly washed over Kate as she perked up at the sudden name.

The bell had rung signalling for the two to fight and the figure held a large and sharpened axe in its left hand before suddenly charging at Kate at such speed causing Kate to perk up again and force to use her polearm to block and protect herself as the figure tried to instantly slice her but Kate blocked it with her polearm as the two weapons collided into each other as Kate swung her weapon to the side and caused the axe to swipe sideways away from her and Kate sent a hard kick to the neck of the hooded figure that made the figure skid backwards on the field, placing its hand on the ground to stop itself and Kate charged once again, jumping upwards in the air to slash at the figure but it swiftly moved sideways and dodged it - this speed. It was the exact same as Kate's.
Kate snarled out as the figure used the bottom of the axe to hit Kate in the face, hitting the middle of her face but Kate quickly retaliated by spinning around and sending a hard punch to the stomach of the tall figure and giving it another kick to the neck as the strength of the blow was enough to knock the figure backwards onto the ground.

Small cheers erupted from the crowd as Kate stood up straight, wiping away at her mouth as she kept her polearm behind her back, walking upwards to the figure but the figure had kicked its legs upwards and kicked Kate in the face and using its legs to jump back onto the ground, spinning its axe between its hands with ease and charging back at Kate.
Kate had to block herself again as she used the same strategy to block the attack before the two soon gotten themselves into a duel with each other - swinging at each other and slashing while using their fists and kicks repeatedly to get a hit on each others while the sounds of Arthur's cheering filled Kate's ears.
"Smash it's face in!" Kate heard Steve yell out towards her as he watched her from the stands while chugging jugs full of onion brew and burping out.

The figure was sneaky though as it went for another slash with its axe to Kate - she blocked it again but the figure used its knee to hit Kate in the stomach and kicked her in the side of her body making Kate hit the ground. Kate gritted her teeth as she looked upwards before the figure had suddenly jumped onto her, Kate had to hold her back with her polearm once again as the two weapons collided against each other but with Kate on the ground, trapped as she grunted out while trying to hold the figure back. She moved her view onto through the hood of the figure before the eyes of the figure was shown through - dark pink coloured eyes staring intensely down at Kate as another sense of dread suddenly washed through Kate once she had finally realised who she was fighting against now.
"Xubula..." Kate snarled, feeling a wave of different emotions from fear, anger and despair at the sight, feeling a pit in her stomach as Xubula only hissed out at Kate, only her eyes shown as the rest of her face was hidden but Kate could recognise the dark energy through her eyes any time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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