Witch Hunt

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Kate cannot show her face around Camelot anymore, not after showing betrayal in front of the king in helping the trolls escape by closing the gate of Camelot. Arthur is furious at the traitor character Kate has shown herself upon Camelot so for the past hours, Kate has been sneaking around Camelot itself and inside the castle of it as there was a bounty placed onto her again, she's already had one bounty on her while she was on Earth, why does she need another one back in time? Knights have been scouring the village and every corner of Camelot for any sign of her but Kate was sneaky like this, she stood in a darkened corner of a alleyway that showed no line of light as she peeked around the corner to look both ways of the street, seeing it was clear as she activated her human form, magenta psychic energy running up her body as her human form showed after the energy passed her body as she stepped outwards, Kate hasn't been in her human form for certainly ages in Kaliacian time as there has been no difference since her human form can only be affected is if Kate makes changes to it while in it. She was still prepared for any time she needed to change into human as she's dressed her human form up in a maiden's dress to blend in: a black corset and a white shirt with a magenta skirt with small linings of gold - similar to Claire's except hers doesn't have a corset.

Kate stepped outwards into the streets as the sun has fully risen at this point so the streets were full of citizens hustling around, trying to take in the damage that was caused by the trolls and crowds of knights scanning the streets for any signs of Kate. She hoped that none of them know what her human form looks like and she should be good. Kate stepped down the steps as she entered the busy street of people, she wasn't used to the height difference her human form was from her true form as it was quite different. She made her way down the street as she made sure to look both ways for any sign of knights.

She was about to step into a different street that led to the castle when she suddenly felt a presence behind her and seconds later, a metal hand was placed onto her shoulder.
"There you are. Your difference appearance can't fool us—-"
The knight was cut off as Kate had turned around and sent a hard punch to the knight's helmet, hitting right in the middle where his face was as the knight was sent backwards and hit the ground, bashing his head but not even a second later, two knights have jumped out and have seized Kate by both of her arms making her snarl at them.
"Lemme go—" She snarled as she lifted her leg up to try and kick one of the knights but that knight had grabbed her leg in time - her body was much more physically weaker in her human form due to how fragile the human body was as Kate cursed under her breath and started to get dragged away towards the castle down the street as she struggled to even get out of their restraint.

Ten minutes later and Kate had been dragged into the castle and through into the throne room as the huge doors opened up and the two knights dragged her inside as the strained grunts of Kate filled the area and sat Arthur up in his throne as the two knights held Kate by her arms right in front of him, the light shining down on Kate as it blinded her slightly.
"The traitorous alien, as requested, my Lord" one of the knights spoke as Kate instantly changed back into her true form, immediately gaining a difference in height and given her a strength advantage as she acted out, headbutting one of the knights and send a kick to the neck of the other knight as both of them fell down onto the ground and Kate stood in front of Arthur with gritted teeth.
"Why am I here?" Kate immediately demanded as Arthur stared down at her with disgust and despair as he slowly stood up from his throne before sighing.

"The creatures have escaped due to you and your betrayal, first it was my sister's shadow magic and now you" Arthur started as Kate only frowned at him, it wasn't Morgana's magic that caused the darkness as it was Claire but Kate wasn't going to tell him that.
"It wasn't Morgana, she had no plan in this" Kate lied to him as Arthur only sharpened his glare down at her before stepping down the small steps.
"If it wasn't her then who was it? You?" Arthur questioned as Kate scoffed at him with slight disgust.
"Don't be an Khloex, we can't control shadows at all" Kate informed him as she placed her hand on her chest to gesture towards Kaliacians. "I don't know who did the shadow magic but I did help the trolls escape" Kate lied for the first bit as she wasn't going to give Claire in at all but she helped the trolls especially Jim.
"You dare defy me?" Arthur exclaimed at her as Kate took a step towards him.
"I'll defy anyone who is a threat to my friends" Kate shot back with furrowed brows and gritted teeth as another two knights lunged forward and jumped onto Kate as they saw she was starting to become feral by the second as Arthur only let out a disbelieved hum at her - he knew he doesn't have the strength at all to even execute Kate as she was a whole different species with abilities no human can contain as Kate can corrupt Camelot with just a single outburst, kill the mind of all the guards at once and a whole lot worse, she was a force to not be reckoned with.
"Normally, I would have your head rolling down by now but...because of your strength and power, I simply cannot even break your skin with Excalibur even." Arthur informed her as the two knights struggled to keep Kate in one place.

"I'm an Alien in Love" - Tales of Arcadia: Wizards - 𝕂𝔸𝕋𝔼 ℙ𝕊𝕐ℂ𝕀𝔸حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن