Lady of the Lake //Part 2\\

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Sharp breaths left Douxie as he spun around in a panic, hyperventilating at the sight of Claire getting teleported away as Steve and Kate rushed up to Douxie as Douxie started to look through the pages of the spell book for a way to get her back.
"Doux, how do we bring her back?" Archie questioned him, floating beside him as Douxie nervously flicked through the pages.
"Hold on. I can figure this out" Douxie spoke as Steve gripped his shoulders nervously. "It's gonna be fine"
"Fine? Shadows just ate her alive, man!" Steve exclaimed at Douxie, "what are we gonna do?"
Douxie panicked as he analysed the pages for at least a way to get Claire back.
"Kate, you can create pathways to Kaliac, right? Can you make one to the shadow realm?" Douxie immediately asked Kate but she shook her head at him.
"Not possible, only Kaliacians can make pathways to Kaliac only" Kate sighed as she brought her hands together to maybe try and create a pathway of some sort but the only destination they can reach is Kaliac.

But luckily seconds later, they heard the noise of a shadow portal opening above them as Claire had fallen through and landed on all three of them, crashing onto the ground as Archie flew beside Claire.
"Are you hurt?" Archie immediately asked her as Douxie shot straight upwards.
"Claire! Claire, are you all right?" Douxie asked in a panic as he grabbed Claire's face to examine her and see if she's hurt.
"Give her some space" Archie told Douxie as he flew right into his chest and pushed him down onto the ground as Kate moved Steve off of her.
"What did you see?" Kate immediately questioned Claire as she used her tail to move Claire's face towards her and look at her before Claire took a few seconds to answer.
"I saw her — a vision of Morgana" Claire told them as she got off Steve and Douxie and sat down beside the spell book on the ground.
"Oh, hot dang" Steve mumbled.

Claire picked up the spell book and looked down at it. "Was it really her?" She started as she peered down at the book, "or was it guilt, or fear, or—-" She ranted but Kate placed her hand on the book as Claire looked up at her.
"It would have been a vision most likely. Either of what's happening now or will happen in future - I got one of Arthur while I was sleeping last night" Kate explained to her, trying to relate to Claire and to make it show that visions can show what was happening in that moment or in the near future as Douxie chimed in.
"We understand if you don't want to go back in" He assured her.

Claire stayed quiet for a few seconds as she looked down at the book before speaking.
"No, it's okay" She said, deciding to keep trying to make a shadow portal into the lake. "I'll be all right. Thanks for talking me through it, Teach" Claire smiled at Douxie as she pushed the book towards him and Douxie gave her a smile back before standing up for Claire to try and make a shadow portal again.

"No way this works, witchy" the right stone face mocked as the faces continued to talk smack about everyone there.
"Not your fault your teacher's a dunce"
Douxie created a small blue light in his hand and shot it towards the space right in front of the two stone faces with a smug look on his face.
"There is your anchor" He said as the blue light exploded in front of the faces which were still laughing out loud as Claire outstretched and raised her hands outwards.
"Let go of the fear" she spoke to herself as she began to concentrate again.

Within seconds, Claire had managed to create a shadow portal again as she seemed to have learned the magic really quickly and the shadow portal had been created in front of them with the stone faces yelling out in slight panic at the sight of them having a new entrance.
"Uh, no, no, no! Not good" The right face exclaimed as Claire let out a small grunt but continued to keep the portal in place.
"Bad, bad idea!"
Steve and Kate watched as Claire let out a small yell and had managed to successfully create the portal without it moving towards her and opened up a pathway as Douxie started cheering out loud.

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