xii. the art of confusion

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char 🎀



hi char

that's new
i like it

i've had it as ur contact
name for awhile

i was wondering what ur plan was to get to the premiere

i was prob gonna ride w momona and avantika

alright text me when you
leave your place and get here
so i know you're safe

will do 👍👍


    Sloane knew it was very soon, but she didn't know what exactly to think about this weird place of being between just friends and something more. It was no secret that Sloane found him attractive, however for all she could know he wasn't looking for a relationship.

     She couldn't help the sinking feeling in her chest and the dread that began its descent onto her as she procrastinated getting ready. Sloane didn't like being left in the dark unaware of what was to come. Things were much easier if defined; if you don't know someone's intentions it's easy for the lines to blur.

    Nevertheless she started to get dressed for the premiere because this night was about her friend who wanted her to be there to support him; she would do just that. First she slipped the dress on, pairing it with black heels that weren't too high so her feet wouldn't be obliterated by the end of the night. Then she sat herself in front of the mirror to do her hair, taking two decent sized parts from the front of her hair and pinning them back. Then she pulled two of her front stands out and began to curl them, moving on to the ends of her hair after.

    When it was time for makeup she paused for a moment, analyzing her appearance in the mirror; a bad habit to have. Yes, she was well aware. Though sometimes she just couldn't help it. Sloane Cruz was pretty she knew that, however like everyone else she had her own insecurities. It didn't matter how many compliments she received or how people would applaud her when she tried out different makeup looks; she would still find her way back to the dark place in her mind.

She didn't know how she ended up there, but when she checked her phone several minutes had passed, deciding she would put the device on the charger and not touch it. As she applied foundation she found her way out of that hole, figuring out that today just might have been an off day. Sloane didn't want that to ruin the night though. If she had it her way she probably would have barricaded herself in her room and watched netlifx.

Sloane finished off her makeup with blush and mascara, satisfied with how it turned out. Just in time too because her phone went off, checking it she saw it was a text from Avantika telling her they would be there soon. She sent a quick reply and gathered up her stuff.

Okay, maybe Sloane should have taken a jacket with her. Even though they were going to be inside the cold air nipped at her skin as she ran the the car. "Aren't you just the cutest." She said to Avantika when she got into the car. The Vandanapu girl internally flipped out. "Momo you look so pretty in purple." She complimented. Momona didn't even realize they had reached a nickname basis.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 c. bushnellWhere stories live. Discover now