- No, thanks. Just wanted to chime in. I went out with the boys, we are waiting for the entrance to the club.

-Nice. I'll finish this and head home.

-Do you need help? Or the transport?

- You're too well dressed to get dirty with trash, Jake. Thank you for the offer.

-Alright. Just be careful how you drive. It's the weekend.

-Of course. Thanks for getting in touch. I wish you a pleasant evening. - she told me and approached me to lock the door behind me. I stayed at the door to watch her. God, she was beautiful. She has black hair, beautiful brown eyes and a slim body. She moved as gracefully as a jaguar. I would give a hundred sleepless nights to deserve her kiss while we share a bed. I went back to Jack and my cousins and somehow we managed to squeeze into the club. We partied long into the night while I was drinking and thinking about Leora. In the wee hours of the morning, already drunk, my relatives and I decided to call a taxi and go home to the ranch. I slept a little before waking up at exactly 8 am. I grunted and covered my head with a pillow hearing my nephews calling me. I adored them but my head wasn't taking their shrill screaming voices very well this morning. I went down to the dining room table when Leslie sat down next to me, nudging me in the ribs.

- You like her. You can't deny it. - she whispered to me.

-What are you talking about?

- You visited Leora last night. She asked me if I made you say hello to her.

- Why would you send me? - I asked, all confused.

- Well, it's not like I didn't try to arrange your date in several attempts, big brother.

-And then I'm the devil.- I told her and hugged her.

- It's true, isn't it? You like her.

- Yes, I like her. She's a nice girl.

- Are you going to her again with us then? Let's go for cake later. Pliz. - she begged me with closed palms and doe eyes.

- Okay, I'll go with you.

Mom and Dad also went to the city to get some supplies, and I ended up at Leora's again with my sisters. She had her back to us and I could see a dark outline on her side under the white shirt she was wearing. Some kind of tingling went through me, I loved seeing tattoos on girls. When I say loved...I mean they turned me on. Leora turned and smiled when she saw us.
She waved us where there was a free table and we headed there. Leslie and Lauren were talking about the dinner they were making with mom tonight. Dad promised to prepare the long-awaited barbecue with their side dishes. Of course, the barbecue is in my honor.

- Hello, my dears. For you? - said Leora and showered us with her wide smile.

-Tiramisu for me and Leslie, and Jake for you...?- Lauren asked me after I read the offer of desserts.

- I would love to try this chocolate cake with pear and pepper. Sounds interesting.

-Alright. For a drink?

-I think coffee with milk is fine for everyone.- Leslie interjected.

- I'll be right back.

As Leora left, I remembered that I had to breathe. This woman will cost me my head if she is not mine. I can swear that to myself. Leora brought the order and went on to work. I tasted the cake and was amazed. I think I became instantly addicted to this cake and will hide it from everyone so that it remains my secret.

- Jake, how's the cake? It's new in the offer. - Leslie asked me.

-Taste it. I've never tasted anything more delicious, and I've been around the world.

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