The end

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Issei sat in his throne room as king of the underworld with his right-hand man vali they are a force to be reckoned with, its been a few years since he killed 666 along with vali and sirzehcs serafall and ajuka with Azazel and Micheal all made Issei the boss since he can use holy magic devil magic and fallen magic

Hes ruled over all the factions and brought peace to the whole supernatural world he even made a few deals with odin and they came to an agreement even thor gave Issei his help when it came to how things were done and its all was calm and peaceful for everyone.

Issei married Yaksaka, Irina, akeno, Rosseweisse, ravel, koruka and Rias they all came to agreement that would allow Issei to have a a day dedicated to them each month none of the others just him and they agreed with Rias She put in the effort to earn his love the right way and she got it after a year of them just casually dating and they were happy and when he proposed to her she was over the moon same with the other girls they all tackled him and gave him a kiss he asked them all separately and made them all keep a secret from the rest because he wants to surprise each of them

but they only got married when they dealt with the loss of those who couldn't be there Asia xenovia koneko Kiba gasper le-fay and Arthur for their memorial issei made a painting of them and and hung it in the living room of their home

issei became an even bigger monster when he lost his arm he was more ruthless to show he's not weakened and things calmed down and he slowly grew his arm back with dragon magic it was similar to Vali too they were ruthless and every time they fought an enemy that opposed them they were dealt with so quickly that it didn't look like there was an issue to begin with

life became fun and peaceful with them living in Kyoto life was amazing though Issei felt empty now and again but each one of them made sure he didn't have those thoughts and made sure that he was happy he made them as happy as can be so it was them giving back to him for everything, when he met uta again she cried and hit him in his gut and screamed at him for him not seeing her sooner not almost 8 years after she saw him die

he was happy he had people who loved him and cared for him and that's all he could ask for life was good and he couldn't be any happier, each of the girls he was with was expecting soon and everything for them was safe

story end

been writing this story for nearly 3 years now this was the original ending I tried changing up the ending but I still think this is fine the way it is, would have been done earlier but I stopped for a while and had deleted my account but now I'm back and this story wasn't meant to be this long I hope you enjoyed and feel free to read the red dragon of the underworld that should be 100 times better than this story

but thanks again for making it this far

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