Wills end

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They all stood infornt of Issei who had a few cuts on him from them all

Issei:(tired) Well done all of you we can go ahead to the next demon

They all nodded and fell over completely tired

Issei went to the hot springs and was joined by akeno, Irina, Rossweisse, ravel, koruka and Rias, with Natsume, Lavinia, and Shigune of Team Shlash Dog

He sat with a towel covering his eyes looking up the way he sat they could see all the cuts, burns damage and even where broken bones shot through his skin

Natsume(excited) this is nicer than I thought

Akeno: you one of his fans?

She nodded in excitement

Ravel: what about you two?

Lavinia: I have respect for him but I never really got into his fan base

Shigune: same with me, Natsume on the other hand is a complete fan girl

Rias: well you meeting him in the flesh now

Natsume: (happy) I know and trained me too, now I get to share a bath with him

Ravel: can't blame you it is nice

Issei: hmmmm

Natsume: (smiling) What does he like at home?

Issei: I haven't been home in like 3 years pushing 4 now....

They could see something was bothering him, but couldn't tell what it was

Lavina: is he okay?

Akeno: hes fine I think hes just planning something

Natsume: girls tell me something What is this mark on your necks?

Rosseweisse: oh we have been marked by Issei

Koruka: hmmm even though nothing has happened yet we have officially become mates of his

Lavina: wow that's hectic

Akeno: hmmm but it's a nice feeling

She cuddled up to him and rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her but he didn't move much

Shigune: how does this even work, if you don't mind us asking

Irina: oh it's simple issei can absorb people into his gear like he did to Vail's gear and then he can use our power and skills to his heart's content but the drawback is that whoever he absorbs is marked by him and becomes obsessed with him and only want to be with him so hes only picked a few people to absorb and we are all sitting here

Rias: it's an interesting method if you ask me what it like inside the gear.

Ravel: better than my family home or yours smaller sure but it's supper nice we can watch what he sees like a movie and we sit back and relax

koruka: that's true and the stories about Ddraig being is an understatement, ddriag is a very massive

Akeno: ember and jewls are also very big *giggles*

They looked at Issei and saw two sets of eyes come out of the isseis chest and they came out for longer

Ravel: are you more comfortable with us now

Ember: I suppose that's the right

Jewls: hmmm

Akneo: I have a question for both of you

Both: Sure

Akeno: what was the initial reason you trust Issei? From what we know you are all super dangerous creatures to encounter

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