game plan

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They walked to the room and they saw her wrapped in bandages they couldn't see her face at all but Issei knew who it was

Issei: rias.....

Grayfia: we are not sure how she survived but she's in very critical condition the healing process is similar to yours when you first interact with the cursed spirit in Stonehedge and we struggled to heal you

Issei: hmmm

Sirzehcs: what's on your mind?

Issei: do you trust me?

Sirzechs: yes I do but what are you planning to do

Issei: she's currently in an eternal slumber I can bring her back but we need to heal her first

Ravel: go ahead and do what you need to do we can start healing her

Akeno: she's right do what you need to do my love

He nodded and sat on the ground on the bed in front of her

Issei: right no matter what don't disturb my concentration it could complicate things

They all nodded.

Sirzechs: we will leave you be we going to go and finalize the plans for our attack

Issei: be sure to keep me up-to-date with it hopefully this doesn't take too long

He closed his eyes and started to listen to her heart, and he was pulled into a void in the forest

Issei: her mindscape just looked as elegant as her body it was calming but Issei could feel the power of guilt dread and even sadness

He started walking and saw a small girl with red hair and blue eyes walking around the forest he went to her and followed her bit and as were walking to a mother girl that was sitting alone in the forest she had long dark hair and realized it was akeno

Rias: will you give your life to me?

She held her hand out and akeno took it without a second thought and saw how she became rias queen

He tried to go to them but went through them like a ghost

Issei:" I must be seeing her memories"

He continued to walk and on his walk, he saw Kiba get taken in and even koneko get given to her by Sirzechs

He then came to recent memory and saw her looking at him from the club room

Rias: akeno who is that boy?

Akeno: his name is Issei Hyoudou, why?

Rias: oh no just curious is all

The memory changed a bit more and saw him being saved by her and watched everything through her eyes

Rias: hes amazing he is the perfect man, I love you ise, YOU DUMBASS CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN STOP BEING PERVERTED AND USE YOUR DAMN BRAIN, Satan maybe I should have married Riser instead

He looked more at this memory and wanted to see what was going through her head

Rias: don't you love me, why can't you just say my name, please just say my name it's like you're forgetting about me and I don't want you to leave me

He saw her memories change and saw it turn to blind anger

Rias: im questioning it every day maybe it was when he rescued me from Riser I don't know from there anymore but im sticking with what I said, maybe I should have married Riser, look at him now hes such a gentlemen, he's honestly made riser a better option for me...

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