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The next morning Issei woke up and a pure high-pitched whining in his ears, his mind void of any thoughts he sat up in the bed and his arms had a weird pain shooting through them he looked at his arms and saw black veins growing on his arms taking scale form and other scales taking formation on other parts of his body

Issei: " Ddraig.... "

Ddraig: What's troubling you?

Issei: " my arms..."

Ddraig: It's the falling, it seems like your fall is the dying fall....

Issei: "What if we do the transformation now...?"

Ddraig: There is a 50-50 shot of it failing, It hardly worked with other users that went down this path we can try but it might kill you I want you to think about it first before I do it

Issei: "Fair but what do we do about this "

He traced one of the veins with his finger and he could feel a tingling feeling from the vain he then traced some of the scales and they felt sharp but also as stiff as a stone

Ddraig: I won't lie about it, this is bad the other dragons around you will feel the fall and react accordingly to their relationships with you

Issei:" Fitting... I have a numbness in my soul, so this is kind of fitting that I'm dying so it looks like they are where the death of me...perfect"

Ddraig: I'll try and see if there is a way to either slow it down or stop it entirely... but I would suggest telling someone that you can confide in It can help settle the nerves while I look into either perfecting the transformation or find a way to slow this down

Issei: ".... Ill see how today goes... maybe... I don't know yet "

Ddraig: Rest up Issei, This isn't going to be your end that much I promise you.

Issei: "Thanks Ddraig "

He looked at the room he was in and then took in the room and saw how empty it felt it wasn't even like he was in the room itself it was cold and empty.

He just walked to the training ground and then did a few morning stretches then started some weights training, he started with his arms and then, pain rushed through his body, and he dropped the weight and held his arm and winced in pain

Issei: (in pain) damnit...

He held his arm where the veins formed and held it in pain and fell over trying not to let out a scream on the floor

Ddraig: breath, take deep breaths and relax as best you can it should subside, your body is slowly giving up and it's going to become weaker than you are the more you strain your body I suggest not doing any training for the time being it could possibly speed up the process and shorten your life even further

He nodded and started to control his breathing and let the pain subside after a few minutes he started to feel better yet his body was still filled with pain but it was manageable for him

Issei: "I need to be stronger to fight Sairaorg, I have to show him how strong I can get "

Ddraig: After Kyoto, you've unlocked your true strength in a sense and you would have gotten stronger but due to current circumstances you can't or you'll only end up killing you faster, In the end, the strain the promotions give may be your downfall altogether so try and keep your life longer and maybe it will give me time to see if we can prevent this

Issei: "Fine but just that little bit made it spread look... "

Moving along his arms to his chest and slowly onto his back and legs

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