Issei:" Hmmm I remember this it hurt but I don't think I handled that well at all"

He carried on walking and saw them when they came back that night.

Rias: (crying) I'm such a selfish person I don't deserve the things I have I don't deserve him and he can do so much better than me I think he saved Riser from me I'm such a horrible person

Issei:" Wait what"

He looked at the memory and she was sitting alone in the room crying her heart out.

Rias: (crying) Who do I think I am, I let my spoiled self hurt him because he didn't deserve anything that I put him through I wouldn't hold it against him if he wants to call off the engagement, I don't deserve to stay in this house it's his home, not mine... I hope tomorrow is better *.*

He continued walking in this direction to see where her memories were.

Rias:" Why did this happen? Have his parents always been this hard on him? For as long as we have been here, I don't think any of us have seen his parents being like this... and to top it all off they are on our side and not his..."

He saw Irina run out after him and then saw the memory change to when they first saw him sing

Rias" It's not fair.. we hurt him and he's the only one experiencing the pain is him... we hurt him and we need to make things right "

He watched the memory change and saw her crying her heart out

Rias: (crying) im so sorry, im sorry please come back to me, I'll do anything to have you back *sniff*, I can't keep feeling sorry for myself I need to bring him back and fix things with him"

He watched them put in the effort and courage to get him and watched her heartbreak when he told them that they killed him and how her heart raced when they were given a a second chance to be with him, watching her watch her see him at his first concert and how her heart raced seeing how good he looked and how she linked the thoughts of him to when he got his first car and seeing Irina there and not feeling fully jealous seeing that he was with Irina and how close they were now compared to how he was with her

Issei:" She turned into a complete mess, but It looks like it was her motivation to do better by me even"

He saw how she changed her everything to make it right and saw the progress she saw in the others

He walked again and saw something that confused him.

He saw a young version of Rias running from a camel and it constantly chased her around the garden and how she was screaming in fear

Issei: what in the world?

He then carried on walking and found a looking rias just looking at the void in her head he sat down next to it

Issei: hey

Rias(sad) hey...

Issei: something wrong?

Rias: I feel weak...

Issei: how come?

Rias: that demon, the real you tried to save us and you couldn't and we couldn't help ourselves, we were in over our heads, and none of us was ready for that I wish we spent the last 3 years training like the real you did

Issei: why do you refer to me as the real me are you saying I'm fake

Rias: I don't know if this is the real you or not you don't look like him but my heart says it is

Issei: so you conflicted?

Rias: I think so but either way I just don't know

Issei: well what do you want most of all

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