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Adjective //

       1. Completely different, of a contrary kind.

noun //

      1. A person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else. "we were opposites in temperament."


Chapter 0

The world is full of opposites. It's a fundamental law of nature. All that is, and all that will be, is somehow connected.

There is light, and there is darkness. Light radiates brightness, but darkness can cast a shadow, blocking its rays.

Then there is fire and water. Fire can be a source of warmth, but its heat is extinguished by water.

And then there is death, the inevitable end of every living thing, which is the opposite of life.

For every action, there is inaction.

One gives, while the other takes. That is how it is supposed to be.

Opposites, without them, there would be no balance.

But what if these opposites were not absolute? What if you had the power to control them? What if you were created from all that is good but destined to serve evil?

If you found yourself in such a situation, what would you do? Would you use your power to bring balance to the world, or would you succumb to the forces of darkness and chaos? These are the questions that haunt me every waking hour of the day and every dark hour of the night.

My mother was a woman who embodied evil. Her soul was consumed by darkness, and her hands were stained with the blood of many. However, amidst the abyss of her corruption, she discovered a glimmer of hope, a light that shone through the darkness - my father. He was the opposite of everything she stood for, a beacon of purity and compassion. He was a great and noble King, while she was a terrifyingly powerful Sorceress. Their union was of good and evil; it would leave an indelible mark on the world.

The result of their passion was me.

The night of my birth cast a shadow over my father's Kingdom and tore his heart in half. It was when my mother was beheaded for sorcery.

That fateful dark and stormy night would forever alter the course of my life. My father, a broken man, lost all that he held dear—his beloved, the love of his life, and me, his daughter, a forbidden child. I was cast out into the twisted shadow void as a mere baby.

After being exiled, I aged instantly and found myself lost in a dark and twisted void with no sense of direction or purpose. I cannot say how long I wandered there, alone and lost—years seemed like mere minutes to me. Eventually, I stumbled upon an unfamiliar realm—your world. The sights, sounds, and sensations were unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

Even as a toddler, I could recall my previous life. All that I was born to be and everything I was not. These memories would stay with me for years to come, shaping my perspective on the world and my place in it.

I was found wandering through a forest one night by the Blackwell family. They had been camping. Eventually, they adopted me. Despite the fact that I was not a human being, they warmly welcomed me into their lives and treated me as if I were one of their own flesh and blood.

Everyone has a unique story. Negative and positive experiences are two sides of the same coin, creating a balance. It's up to us to find this stability and use it to grow and learn from our experiences.

Tell me, reader, what is your story? Where do you fit into this world? And should you say you don't, that is a lie, for even you have a purpose.



If you made it this far, it obviously means you sort of liked it. I guess.

I'm just posting this because it was a random idea that popped into my head. 

Dunno if I'll continue. We'll see.

The main characters are: 

Miss Raven Blackwell, aged 22

Mr Rickard Rosehip, aged 25

That's all for now. I will probably add more later. I dunno. 


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