Chapter 18: Complications

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It was around midday and nothing had happened since the incident everyone just mulled over their own problems. Bellatrix and Narcissa sat in the lounge talking about what happened with Rodolphus. Narcissa kept a half glance on Draco who was entertaining himself on the floor making random noises playing with hands and toys. The two sisters spoke quietly despite the manor being mostly empty apart from you who was reading letters upstairs Lucius had gone for a meeting at the ministry.
"You can't just do that Bellatrix!" Narcissa whisper scolded her older sister after hearing the events that occurred at Rodolphus' the previous day.
"He-" she tried to defend herself just to be shot down before even getting a second word into her sentence.
"Look I know but he has allies currently we don't. If he who mustn't be named returns and his following is in utter shambles..." As she spoke Bellatrix listened which was a rare sight but she would always listen to her sister no matter what. "I- I don't know... however i'm not willing to risk our family, my family dealing with the rupture in which it could potentially cause." The elder black sister sighed in understanding. The deatheaters were thinly spread as it was with his disappearance if he came back to find out that they were also trying to maim one another who would know what he would do when or if he came back. The young Draco cooed and clapped his hands leaning back until he rolled over and was looking up at his mother and aunt.
"MmmmmmmmmmA hahaha" he was learning to speak and knew a fair couple of words but most of the time he opted to make random noises as he found them amusing and fun to say. Bellatrix looked down at the small boy almost fixated on him before she opened her mouth to speak.
"For what remains of our family..." she mumbled declaring her to be slightly more civil with her husband for the cause of her sister. A silence fell between the two sisters and Bellatrix took her leave and went to find you.

You were sat on your bed messing around with a letters but one more then the others. Since getting back with Bellatrix you hadn't really been in your own quarters not much anyway which was an indication to Bellatrix that this was something important or at least important to you. The contents inside it definitely intrigued you without a doubt but whether or not you truly wanted to see what was being held within the envelope was a whole different thing. It was like two forces were pulling you heavily from either side neither one managing to become the resultant one leaving you in this weird in between. Frozen in space where you couldn't even identify your own emotions to help you sway to one side more then the other. A piece of paper with ink. That's all it is. Yet you just couldn't bring yourself to open it. The chance of it being something to put you down or condemn your life choices were low. Even she wouldn't put the effort into doing that but after years she finally speaks out to you... It can't be good right? She wouldn't just reach out to you for no reason and she wouldn't dare grace you with good news that would be too nice of her.

Suddenly, dragging you out of all thought Bellatrix spoke,
"what you got there?" That curious tone matching the intrigue behind those dark eyes of hers. Everything about that woman drove you insane.
"Nothing important." You said tracing your finger over the edge of the envelope before placing it face down on the bedside table. Bellatrix quirks an eyebrow looking down at you her expression not giving much away and her gaze unfaltering. Her unreadable expressions was something you loved, envied and hated; never knowing how she would react to a situation or how she felt on a topic. Most of the time you're either left guessing or she reacts instantly this was one of those times she left you swimming in uncertainty. She clicked her tongue before speaking on the matter, "Okay if you're sure." On merlin's beard she did not just say that. Her answer made you feel uneasy, was she mad? No. You'd know if she was mad already. Distrusting? Possibly. Your heart pound you hadn't done anything wrong so why do you feel so guilty for not giving her a direct truth? How does one even respond to that kind of statement, oh you know 'if you're sure' no matter it's Bellatrix you'll be fine. You just gave her a nod. The raven haired woman shrugs and walks over sitting beside you leaning against your side. "We have no plans for the remainder of the day." She said calmly her actions bringing the first smile of the day on your features.
"What about what happened with Rod-" she spoke up before you could even finish at times it was as if she was reading your mind.
"The Rodolphus situation is being dealt with. It wouldn't be a Black arranged marriage without it's conflict and issues." You nodded, once again, in return. She started to play with your hands absentmindedly. The two of you then proceeded to sit in a now comfortable silence within one another's presence. You were perfectly fine as was Bella, no argument, no rising suspicion, no accusations. This stupid letter has definitely got you overthinking too much you needed space from it. You looked over at it before standing up keeping your hand in Bellatrix's. She looked up at you with those beautiful dark eyes as you pulled her along out of your room towards the library. No protest was made but instead compliance. She followed you through the corridors and past the books of shelves until you pulled one out and took her to the nearest sofa. Passing her the leather bound book you lay down in her arms your back against her chest. A soft smile appears on her face as she flicked through to the first page and kept you close before reciting the words before her. You slowly closed your eyes listening to her soothing voice relaxing into the witch allowing her to distract you from everything. Your mother's letter could wait you needed to be with your girlfriend, get in a level mind set and steer away from all the crap that has been happening in recent days.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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