Chapter 8: problems in town

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It's been five years since your time at Hogwarts. For the first year or so you lived with your sister Amelia then you found a job. You worked at the three broomsticks during the day at weekdays and weekends then when your not there your either at a random person's house or doing your other job. The three broomsticks pay an okay amount your second job however pays brilliantly you could probably own an entire mansion at this point, however that wouldn't be the smartest thing on the planet. When the ministry of magic doesn't see eye to eye with you for various reasons owning property isn't the brightest idea. Especially when Sirius Black was put into Azkaban a few months prior, he was a nice ish person irritatingly perfect but there is no way on god's green earth he did something bad enough to go to that hell hole. If he's gone there who knows where you'd go if the ministry can be bothered finding you that is. You're definitely in there bad books without a doubt but in a way you keep them in business. Your the reason the economy hasn't gone crashing down, that's what you like to believe, something slightly illegal and they benefit from it sometimes. At least you didn't start an entire war, kill two famous wizards and attempt to kill their child. Anyway your running two jobs have no house and no connections to friends from hogwarts heck you haven't even thought about them since you left-

———— 5 years ago ———-

"Y/n I'm so sorry I was afraid this was going to happen," Amelia said comforting you.
"Sh-she just it-it w- I Wish I never liked her!"

———— 2 years ago ———-

"I think I'm finally over her I'm working at the three broom sticks and I have another job you won't be happy with sis an- She's in the fucking News!" you shouted down the phone news paper in hand.
"Language! and what do you mean by I won't be happy about your second job?" Amelia questioned.
"Oh look at that uhhh Lilly's here Got to go!"
"Hold up you haven't spoken to her in ye-"

———— A few months ago ———-

"Well Sirius is in prison.... Lilly's dead and so is Potter. Bellatrix is a death eater and is a successful one at that.... And what am I doing Ha I'm bloody pissing off my boss and the women I sleep with!" You said looking into the mirror in the bathroom of the three broomsticks Fire whiskey in hand about to pass out
"Oh well I wonder how Narcissa is doing?"

———— back to present day ———-

"Here's your list do what you can I'll pay you when the job is done," the man asked. Your eyes scanned through the list.

. Unicorn hair
. Unicorn blood
. Dragon claw
. Murtlap tentacle
. Occamy Eggshell
. Fairy wing

"Fuck no, unicorn blood I want payment now!" You stated holding you hand out placing the list in your breast pocket with the other. The man sighed.
"Fine you have a month to get what you can," he grumbled passing a small leather pouch filled with around fifty galleons. You looked at the pouch then at the man raising a brow.
"You'll get the rest once I get some of the shit I've told you to get,"
"I'll send you the items and soon as I get the items. So I will see you whenever and on the deadline your a predictable man I'll know where you are," you spoke placing the pouch in your pocket in return you got a scoff as the man walked off. He can honestly do one he isn't the one getting the shit for whatever he's doing. You checked the time using a temp us charm 2:30 am six and thirty minutes until your shift at the three broomsticks. That's enough time to get at least one thing from the list.

The woods a place crawling with fairies who usually are hard to catch but nothing a little imperious curse can't help with. A few hours later and you had five fairies meaning ten wings and four hours till work. You made your way Brenda's you met her the night before nice lady ish. Shockingly she let you in most women usually don't and when Work came up you left, again. The three broomsticks how fun. All you did was serve drinks for a few hours but when it ends you immediately go back to your higher paying job. You found your guy and handed him the fairy wings he looked at you and scoffed before handing you a couple of hundred galleons. After you collect a few more things crash at a random persons house and the work cycle begins again.

Several weeks pass and your up to the last two things on your list unicorn stuff. Everything else you already have a lot of but unicorns are a tough one. They have multiple laws protecting them, multiple creatures doing the same and not to mention the difficulty of finding one. It ludicrous! It could take ages to find one. Anyway you set off on your quest into the dark forest near hogwarts. Sneaking onto Hogwarts grounds was tremendously easy was tremendously easy given you had to do it all the time after sneaking off to hogsmead after hours. You searched for ages, from when you got there to the start of the school day. The only reason you were searching at Hogwarts' forbidden forest is that it the only place you have ever seen a unicorn. It was when you were fucking around with Bellatrix instead of going to lesson. You were messing around doing God knows what until Bella stopped and spotted the majestic thing. It was a sight never to be forgotten. Suddenly you heard a twig snap bringing you back from the fun memory. You frantically looked around. What on earth was it. Your breath sped up along with your heart rate until your eyes fell upon the creature that caused the sound. Merlin's beard you thought to yourself. It's what you came looking for after hours upon hours of searching.... A unicorn. You sighed in relief before admiring it for a few moments. Then you pulled out you wand about to kill the beautiful thing well a Spell was yelled from behind you.
"Expelliarmus!" Your wand flew out of your hand and you hastily turned to see who the caster was but before another coherent thought went through your mind you were knocked out.

You were awoke in a strange room with paintings hanging on the wall and decorations covered in red. Once thought started tuning through your brain once again someone walked into the room. It was non other than Professor Dumbledore himself.
"Y/n care to explain why you were on school grounds you graduated five years ago."
"I uhh I was- umm I left something?"
"You we're going to take its life..." the old geezer stated as if it wasn't obvious. "It's a crime to take the life of a unicorn and unforgivable one at that."
"Thanks for the lecture, but I must really get going," you said standing up attempting to
leave the situation.
"The darkest of paths end in the brightest of light however most give up along the way and do not get to embrace it. But those who continue go on to great things, don't stop walking along that path  y/n your a great witch." He said. You continued leaving, flipping him off on the way out, he always talked in nonsensical metaphors. It had always irritated the crap out of you.

You were escorted off grounds by One of the new Professors so you didn't just go back to the forest. You could easily do so but what's the point you're probably going to get caught again. So you made your way to the three broomsticks in defeat and decided to get wasted before your first shift.

The night quickly closed in and you left work to go and meet your 'colleague'. You went to the same place like always where he's usually leathered waiting upon your arrival however this time he seemed frightened and not nearly as drunk as usual. Strange.
"Here's what you asked for I couldn't get the unicorn stuff but everything else is checked off with plenty of it." You stated not taking his demeanour into consideration.
"Y-y-you forgot the the Unicorn things!" He shouted in and almost scared tone.
"No I was incapable of getting it there's a difference. What's the big deal anyway you of all people don't give one wether I check every box or not," you said. Suddenly you felt someone's presence from behind you and your 'colleague' shrunk against the wall. The mysterious presence spooked you out a bit, well enough that you probably would of ran or apparated out of there. But your colleague was a wuss and it was most likely someone who said that they'd steal his beer. You slowly turned around to see a man standing at around 6ft looking down on you with a shorter woman to his side. At first you didn't recognise her but when she spoke it all clicked.
"Here I thought you were the best of the best." Your pupils dilated and your through went immediately dry. It was Bellatrix.
"P-p-please don't kill me!" Your colleague squeaked out gaining your attention. The woman scoffed and snapped her fingers and before you could think another thought you were once again incapacitated. Everything had gone to black...

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