Chapter 15: Constellations

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You walk downstairs to where Narcissa was and when she laid eyes upon you she immediately got to helping you out. Cleaning your cuts and calming down all the bruising. You stared into the abyss contemplating what could of happened. Dying, becoming a werewolf, your nephew growing up without a dad, your  sister seeing you like this. All those what if's, all those alternate endings and futures. It was all you could think of and of course Narcissa caught onto it.
"What's wrong?"
"Pardon?" You asked getting caught off guard.
"What's wrong?" She repeated.
"Oh I uuuuh nothing," lie.
"Clearly it's not nothing you're completely distracted," you hated how observant she could be but you were grateful at the same time. You were worried about what could have happened if your sister saw you at the house, if her husband was killed, or if it was a full moon and you were infected by Greyback. Narcissa reassured you that your sister and Bella would never leave your side. She also mentioned that there was a reason why Rodolphus distanced himself from you and why Greyback got injured the same way as you. Bella's the one who put that protective spell on you. That's how she knew who the cause of your injury was. Narcissa then continued her work allowing you to process what she had said.

A few minutes of silence passed before Bellatrix appeared a few strands of her hair were out of place and her wand wasn't in its usual spot. She brushed some probably nonexistent dirt off herself as she entered. Whatever she did you don't want to hear about it. She looked between you and her sister before inspecting your injuries once again. Her cold hands touching your face as she moved it to the side.
"I-I'm fine I've been through worse," you said placing a hand over hers. She stood up and spoke, "I know." Her word hung in the air for a while until a faint crying could be heard. Narcissa then excused herself to comfort the crying child of hers. Bellatrix looked behind her into the corridor checking for what you don't exactly know before she reached out her arm, taking you by the hand, pulling you to your feet.

She led you to her room sitting you on her bed before once again examining your injuries. You reached to her hand pulling in down from your face reassuring her,once again, that you were fine. She then stood up walked towards her dresser returning one of her daggers in its rightful place before joining you on the bed, lying down next to you. Silence filled the air as the two of you just enjoyed one another's company. Sitting and lying on a bed close to one another but not doing anything, just like old times.
"I'm sorry," her voice was small unlike usual and her words were strange to hear unfamiliar to say.
"Pardon?" Was your only response.
"For not telling you sooner," the curly haired woman propped herself up looking into her eyes.
"Don't bring that up again. You weren't made aware of the situation..." you paused to breathe however were never able to finish your sentence. The burn of the dark mark. Bella hissed slightly not expecting to be summoned. Your glad you weren't one of them. The two of you shared a look before heading to the meeting room to see why a full blown meeting was required.

It was Long, boring and mind numbing. Once again you stood off to the side refusing to sit. When you succumb to the dark lord and get the mark is when you shall sit, when you will be one of them. That won't happen well not according to you anyway. You leaned against the wall placing a hand in one of your pockets not expecting anything to be in them. Confusion washed over you as an unfamiliar piece of paper was in there. You pulled i out subtly and read it.

The gardens tonight make sure your not seen.
From B.L

Your brows furrowed as you processed the words and contemplated on how the note got there. You looked up to see the raven haired girl smirk clearly enjoying your confusion. Your eyes met and stayed glued to one another for a few moments until the woman's head snapped back into the direction of the dark lord. You sighed placing the note back into your pocket as you continued to listen to whatever nonsense was being said.

Hours had passed and you were finally dismissed. You didn't even really cover anything or get a mission it was pointless. Luckily, due to the length of the meeting it was only a few hours to night fall meaning not long to wait. You retired to your room waiting for the time to pass before sneaking out to the gardens. When you arrived no one was there. The silence of the night putting you on edge. The only thing allowing you to see were the stars. Beautiful constellations lighting up the sky. You heard footsteps from behind you weren't sure who they belonged to but when they walked next to you and brushed their hand against yours you had a pretty good idea of who it was... the one and only Bellatrix Lestrange. You turned to face her to see her gaze already on you. Her eyes mesmerising and deep. You watch her features move as she speaks, " If you divert your attention from me you can see Cassiopeia. It's classed as the most beautiful constellation in this world, simple yet beautiful." You did as she said and looked at the stars above following the pattern. "And as beautiful as it may be it shall always come second to you...." Her face was to the constellation as if she was unaware of what she said, unaware of what she does to you. Your face flushed pink and eyes widened staring at the woman. Her words were foreign but true nonetheless.

You looked down at her hand taking it in yours drawing her attention. Before she was able to ask something you kissed her. Your lips meeting hers sending fireworks through your veins, ones that never leave when your near her. You pulled apart and held her face in your hand as shock was still evident in her face, or was it confusion.....
"I-it's said that Poseidon placed her in the sky where she spends her time six months a year upside down. She's usually d-depicted sat on her throne combing her hair...."  Her voice trailed off as her eyes looked into yours. She had probably told you this story before back at Hogwarts. You didn't remember them that well the only one you do remember is when she told you everything came from dying stars. Whenever she spotted a constellation she recognised she'd tell you about it, regulus and Sirius would need asking to get information about the stars. Her eyes twinkled as if she was her own constellation her hand pulling you in as your lips connected once again. Dancing in sync. A sensation you wished would never end.

You pulled a part to catch your breath but you didn't loose contact. She moved a stray hair behind your ear before speaking.
"I suggest we head in before we can no longer do so without being caught," You both smiled like idiots before she took you by the hand dragging you inside. Through the dark halls of the manor, up the stairs and to her room. The only noise that was made was a single creak of a floor board. You walked to her bed and took a seat as she locked the door. After a few moments she joined you lying to your side making you face to face. Her smell was intoxicating yet your mind was silent allowing you to admire the mad woman. She was stunning. This moment was beautiful. She leaned in and kissed you once again. Your passion grew for one another with each passing moment. Although, your time apart had severed your relationship like stars your relationship metamorphose into something new.... Though a dark hole was left behind new elements have formed, new opportunities arose, a new start is here and the flame has returned. It crackles and dances with the shadows, it may be different but from the ashes of a previous fire this one has risen.

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