Chapter 11: preparations

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You entered the room with the long table in it, you can't tell what room it's meant to be, and at the head of it sat the dark lord. You and Bellatrix stood at the other end facing the man. For a solid few minutes not a sound was made. The silence was deafening it was like nothing you've experienced a cold sweat dripping from you. The aura of the situation was like no other, the mere intensity of it was enough to scare the life out of both you and Bellatrix.
"Dark Lord," you hated calling him that but you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.
"I need you to get some....Resources....from an old client of yours if your mission fails I will not hesitate to have you killed."
"But my Lord the training isn't complete! Why In trust such a mission with her? They will end up dead and screwing up your plan!" Bellatrix spoke out in a loud voice. You couldn't tell wether you should be offended or relieved that she said that but it aggravated you enough to make you want to do the mission.
"Complete the tra-"
"M-May I intervene here as it is my mission and life on the line." The other two people looked over to you in curiosity, "great so two things if they're an old client I Will most likely be able to handle them without dying because I've probably dealt with worse. And second of all who is it that I must ..... Get recourses from?" Bellatrix looked at you slightly angered? You think it was hard to tell.
"That information will be held until further notice now leave Bellatrix and I must speak," the dark Lord said waving you off. You sighed and complied.

A few hours later and back to training throwing knives, casting spells, duelling you name it you did it yet not to her standards. You were a remarkable witch able to do all sorts of things from wand less magic to non verbal spells  teachers used to call you a waste of talent back at Hogwarts. It was mentioned almost every detention.
'You're a prodigy full of talent! Yet you use it for the wrong things. Y/N any other wizard or witch could only wish to have your ability to pick up magic of an advanced level with such ease and you go and blow up the great hall, place a duplicating jinx on the library books, turn your teacher into a toad and get into fights with other students. It's a waste! A disgraceful waste!'
That speech was from Headmaster Armando Dippet in your second to last year just before he left. It brought some satisfaction knowing you're one of the reasons of his retirement it was somewhat fulfilling. Nevertheless, your raw talent is not good enough for the dark haired woman. The only thing you probably didn't know prior to being forced into this career (if you can even call it that) was knife throwing and your not even that bad at it you could easily hit a bullseye eight times out of ten which is a decent ratio if you do say so yourself. The rest you could already preform to perfection but that's not enough obviously so you were forced to continue working on them.

Halfway through casting spells on training dummies a man walked through catching both yours and Bellatrix's attention. He was bearded with thick dark hair and piercing eyes similar in colour, standing Six foot tall in a smug kind of manner a smirk plastered on his face. He wore formal wear however you could still see a slight bit of the Dark mark tattooed on his inner arm. Once Bellatrix's eyes fell upon him her whole aura changed. She stiffened up slightly and her usual pissed off look was replaced with a very similar one but different non the less. You stopped training to look over at the man you hadn't met him before, well you haven't met many other death eaters other than Bellatrix so it wasn't surprising that you didn't recognise him.
"Bellatrix...." He spoke in an unnecessary  formality making the situation all that more tense.
"Rodolphus..." The woman said back in a similar tone giving you an indication to the fact they don't like each other at all. You froze looking between the two staring one another down.
"I request your presence this evening at our manner," he stated. Our manner? You thought to yourself. Surely you miss heard, you must off. Right?
"I refuse," Bellatrix replied staring right into the man's soul.
"You speak as though you have a choice. You will be attending no questions." Did he really just say that to the Bellatrix Lestrange you were dumbfounded but not for long as it hit you... Rodolphus as in Rodolphus Lestrange that would make him......
"You will treat me with respect you foul bastard! Or I will end you!" Bellatrix slightly yelled.
"You won't do such a thing... you know the consequences if you do," the man smugly stated in a condescending way of which aggravated the woman. He turned around and walked away as Bellatrix shot daggers through his back that stare if hers could kill a man.  When he left the woman's sight her glare went straight to you. Shit shit shit went through your mind as she arise over to your direction before she harshly grabbed you by the jaw making you look directly at her. Your heart rate shot up was it due to her, the situation or the fact you were genuinely scared for your life in that current moment who knows!
"You shall go through the entire training program five times over to perfection or there will be dire consequences do you understand?" She spat out her nails digging into your face. You frantically shook your head before she let go. The whole training program took 3 hours minimum nevermind to perfection. Today is going to be a long day.

After the gruelling work and harsh words of Bellatrix Lestrange you were finally done. You walked into the Malfoy's manner and spoke with the crazy woman's sister. It was refreshing to talk to her it always had been. Narcissa is a highly intelligent woman and with the amount of times she's saved you from detentions and harsh situations, you owed her your life. Unfortunately you had to return to your quarters to prepare for tomorrow but During your short lived conversation she gave you some advice to dealing with her sister. 'Focus your anger about her into your knife throwing because not only will it help you deal with your still lingering feelings for her but it will probably help you hit your target with more accuracy and power' all in all not bad advice. Once you reached your quarters you lay down and fell into a deep slumber your energy will be needed for tomorrow as it's your last day of training and Bellatrix is not going to be nice about it.

——- Next Day During Training ——-

Before your training officially started for the day you decided to put what Narcissa said into practice. Allowing you thoughts to wander into the deep depths of feelings. All those times someone screwed you over, did something to make you feel like crap, all those times you made yourself feel like crap all coming together. It was like free therapy in a way. I hate them for disowning me! Hit. I hate my sister for always having to be right! Hit. I hate the fact I can't see my family because of what I did! Hit. I hate her!
"Wrong," A voice said pulling you out of your thoughts. You attention turned to them.... Bellatrix. You glared before retrieving the knife and going again... I hate the thought of her!
"Incorrect," Her voice spoke once more. I want her dead!
"Try again,"
I hate her for not telling me sooner!
I hate her for making me like this!
"Wrong again,"
I hate myself for still loving her!
The knife hit the target and split it, the wood cracking in multiple places the tip of the blade hitting the tree behind it. Bellatrix didn't speak just stood there staring at both you and the board.
"You going to tell me I did it wrong again," you spat anger evident in your voice. She just stared not moving not blinking nothing. Her expression was unreadable. A gentle wind blew causing the leaves to rustle and for a while that was all that could be heard.
"You're dismissed..." she said.
"W-what?" You heard her perfectly the first time but surely she didn't mean it. The raven haired woman didn't repeat herself just turned around and left leaving you highly confused.

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