Chapter 2: second year

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Your second  year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. You once again looked at the magnificent castle that you'll call home for the academic year. You met up with Bellatrix and went to the great hall. Students were still coming in all apart the new year 7's who had to go through that boring speech before entering and housing. After ages they entered and Dumbledore made his even more mind numbing speech,
"This year is going to be just as good as the last. No matter what happens you must stand beside one another. You're stronger together and smarter when together. Now I must remind you the Forbidden forest is off limits and Do not go on the first floor," his speeches were practically the same each year, you could tell even though this is only your second year attending. You were about to get up and leave but Bellatrix dragged you down to your seat again. She watched intensely at the sorting hat as it was brought out.
"When your name is said come to the front,"
She sat there staring at the ceremony after about 8 names one was called out that drew Bellatrix and your attention.
"Adromeda Black,"
A young girl walked up to the front slowly and took a seat. The hat was placed on her head and the hat began to think.
"Slytherin!" It shouted.
The young girl sighed in relief as well as Bellatrix. She walked over to the table and took a seat next to Bellatrix.
"See there was no need to worry," Bellatrix said to the girl.
"Your right I just didn't want to end up like Sirius," the young girl said. Bellatrix let out a small chuckle,
"Even if you weren't put into Slytherin I would of still protect you like the amazing big sister I am,"
The young girl smiled and looked at you.
"Is that your friend?" She asked referring to you. Bellatrix nodded,
"Adromeda this is Y/N, Y/N my sister Adromeda."
You give a slight wave and she smiled at you, for some unknown reason you felt incredibly awkward.

Later, you sat on your bed looking at Bellatrix who was sat in the windowsill. She was staring at the full moon. A loud howl came from the dark abyss outside the castle. A huge smile grew on Bellatrix's face as she heard it.
" Werewolves are fascinating creatures," she stated turning to face you.
"How come?" You asked.
"They only come out once per month and only obey those whom are like them. Slaves of the full moon," she said. You laughed at her comment. Despite only knowing each other for a year you had become close friends. You could sit in silence and still have fun. You eventually fell asleep and first day back was finally over.

A few days have passed and nothings changed from last year apart from the defence against the dark arts teacher and maybe Bellatrix and James are now in almost all your classes. Bellatrix now hates James even more than she did before one because of the fight before the end of last year and two because her cousin Regulas is now apart of his little group despite being a Slytherin. Sirius being in it makes sense but Regulas not so much. You wouldn't be complaining if it was just Bellatrix but James as well. James Potter a flirtatious, idiotic, bully who annoys the hell out of you and Bellatrix. If he isn't flirting with you he is insulting you there is no middle ground with this guy. It's terrible in charms because on one side of you is Bellatrix and on the other James. As anyone could guess you always get a detention in that class. Only god knows why Professor Flitwick hasn't changed the seating plan yet.

"One two three reducio.... Now you try," the Professor said. Bellatrix rolled her eyes and refused to do it which made you chuckle.
"What's so funny you Wierdo," James questioned.
"Why do you care you moron," you replied. Bellatrix looked over and glared at James.
"Keep your filthy Gryffindor nose out of her business."
"Calm down miss black no need to get feisty. Your cousins always say you have a short temper never really believed them for they are constantly trying to make a mockery of me." He exclaimed. Bellatrix got annoyed and you could tell, her jaw was clenched and she grasped her hand into a fist.
"Just leaves us alone James," you said.
"You should be honoured that I'm wasting my time talking to you L/N," he said smugly. Bella put her wand up to his face her arm leaning across you.
"You better watch it Potter!" She yelled.
"Bellatrix Black! Lower your wand and remove yourself from my class." Flitwick yelled. She scoffed and left the room slamming the door.
"That will be a detention with me later!" The professor yelled before the door fully shut. You glared are James who had a proud smirk on his face.
"Honestly James you are a narcissistic freak. You haven't accomplished anything so wipe that look off your face and quit it with your stupid games!" You shouted a slight bit too loudly.
"Y/N keep it down and pay attention or you'll be joining Miss Black tonight in a detention with me." The professor said glaring at you and James. Potter laughed,
"What games Y/N?"
"You know what I mean you rather flirtatious nitwit or trying to piss me off and I'd rather you just leave me the hell alone!" You shouted once again.
"Miss Y/N L/N you'll now be in detention tonight" the professor said looking at you.
"Oh my god I hate this fricking class!" You yelled as you stormed out of the room. You could hear James' infuriating laugh as you left the room.

You walked to Slytherin common room and threw yourself onto the couch placing your feet on the coffee table.  The fire was lit and you stared into the flames lost in thought. That stupid Potter! He seems to always get away with everything no matter what! You groaned in frustration when a few footsteps could be heard.
"Don't waste you time on him, In no world is he worth thinking about," A voice that no doubt belonged to Bellatrix said. How did she know?
"I have my ways besides you could probably take a guess at what you were doing your very predictable,"
She walked up to the couch and sat next to you.
"What class do you have next?" She questioned as you looked at her.
"Potions," you replied.
"That's boring. Want to do something fun?"
"What you thinking?" You asked fully intrigued
"Payback..." a small smirk grew on both of your faces. You both got up hastily and ran out of the common room with smirks on your faces and mischievous plans plotting in your head.

You got the password to the Gryffindor common room off Regulas then you made your way to the main room. You and Bellatrix scoped out the area to see if you could find anything of Potter's but nothing could be found. On the table was a bowl of chocolate, Bellatrix's smile grew as her eyes landed on the bowl. You looked over to her and grinned.
"You have an idea don't you?" You said. She nodded in reply and walked over to the chocolate.
"Sirius has taken a liking to this sugary delight recently so why not mess with it," she said. Sirius isn't James but it would still be hilarious to get at least one person in that pathetic group. Bellatrix pulled out her wand and placed an furunculus curse on them. You then took out your wand and pointed to a stuffed fox that was randomly placed near a book shelf.
"Rennervate," you said. The creature then slowly began to come alive. Bellatrix smiled as the annoyed creature started to move around the room. It was clearly  angry and prepared to fight.
"They are going to have fun with that," she said as the fox started to growl at the two of them. You shared a smile and made your way out of the common room. A few hours passed and you made your way back to the Gryffindor common rooms but this time you didn't enter. James, Remus and Sirius had just walked in and after a few minutes you heard a scared James shout,
"Get this fox off of me!!"
You and Bellatrix laughed hysterically before returning to Slytherins common room. The next day, many Gryffindors were covered in pimples and boils. It was a sight to behold. Gryffindor couldn't even play quidditch because of it.


You walked around the school grounds waiting for something to happen and like always something did happen. This kid from your house was crying near a tree. He looked familiar he had oily black hair and was a similar height to James. You walked over to see what had happened mainly out of boredom. He seemed to be picking something up from the floor whilst sorting out a nosebleed. You helped him pick up his stuff and shook his hand,
"Hey are you alright I'm Y/N." He brushed himself off slightly before replying.
"Don't worry I'm okay the names Serverus,"  suddenly a lightbulb went off. He was in your year you first saw him at the sorting ceremony he was one of the first people!
"What happened?" You questioned.
"James and his friends," he replied. This made you infuriated. He's been leaving you alone but now he's bothering Serverus what the hell is wrong with that guy! You picked up a black leather bound book and out of curiosity looked in it. On every page was an unfamiliar spell or a cheat on how to make a potion with slight more ease. He attempted to snatch it out of your hand but failed as you spun around to doge his grasp.
"This is bloody brilliant!" You yelled flicking through the pages.
"Please don't tell anyone," he murmured. Yiu stared at him confused,
"Why the hell would I do that!"
"W-w-well ummm,"
"Look I ain't going to tell anyone heck I'll even help you with it but you have to let me show Bellatrix," you said eagerly.
"O-okay..." he said hesitantly. You smiled grabbed him by the wrist and made your way to The common room where you last saw Bellatrix.

She was sat carving a stick by the fireplace using the debris and fuel for the flames. You walked up to her and passed her the book with Severus stood behind you. She stared at it confused for a few moments before opening the leather bound object. A smile grew on her face as she was reading, it quickly disappeared as she slammed the book close.
"This is brilliant!"
Severus smiled and thanked the girl.
"Do these work?" She asked.
"To my knowledge they do,"
A terrifying glint was in her eyes.
"Your friends with Lucius am I right?"
The boy nodded in reply. Lucius was from a powerful and rich family of which is close to The Dark Lord.
"Dose that mean..." you said before getting cut off.
"Yes, when the time come I'm going to become one," he said. Bellatrix smiled at this comment and passed him.

A few hours later you and Bellatrix got called to  professor McGonagall's office. She had found out that you had caused the prank in Gryffindor common room. To be honest it took her a good while so the prank was well executed. For the last while of your school year you had to spend it in detention with her and Bellatrix. It was well worth it though.

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