Chapter 13: Perfect just like before

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As soon as you rose the following day you went to train to clear your head. Knife throwing, Spell casting, basic hand to hand combat everything. Your last mission took a toll on you, saying you weren't prepared for it was an understatement. After a few moments a leathered Bellatrix came out with a half empty bottle of  Fire Whiskey in hand. She just stared at you not saying anything, not commenting on anything just staring. It was irritating. Her eyes drilling holes into your head whilst you were trying to concentrate it was distracting in a weird, annoying way. Suddenly, she walked up to you kicked your left leg making it stand back a bit further, hit your elbow higher and moved your face to look at the dummy by your chin. You shot the spell when she took a step back and sent to training dummy flying. After you returned to a normal posture your hands by your dishes as you looked at the drunken woman. She stared right back at you and for a moment you just stood like that in silence until a man walked out calling for the two of you. It was Rodolphus.
"The dark lord has requested for you both," His voice stern. Neither you or Bellatrix looked his way until you walked off. The raven haired woman glared at the man taking a large swig of her drink before walking in the same direction you did, rolling her eyes as she passed the awful man. In the meeting room besides you, Bellatrix and the Dark Lord was Lucius and Narcissa. They were there from the previous meeting of which everyone apart from you and Bellatrix attend. Bellatrix took a seat opposite her sister and turned her head to face Voldemort while you stood at the other end of the table leaning on the chair refusing to sit as usual.
"As my most trusted followers and Y/n I am to tell you the next step to my plan," everyone's attention was glued to the dark lord. "Thanks to Y/N getting me the information I needed, I now have the capability of disappearing. This will buy me time to regain my power of which I've lost." Everyone stayed quiet apart from Bellatrix of course,
"B-but my Lord is there not another way?"
"My decision is final and all traces of me will finally dissipate. Your dismissed." The message he gave was clear everyone was silent leaving the room. You went to your quarters, Narcissa went to tend to Draco, Lucius joined her, and Bellatrix was doing whatever she does. The parting of ways to comprehend what had been said.

A few hours later and you were sat in your bed drawing trying to get things off your mind. Well you were until a specific curly haired, drunken, maniac almost took your door if it's hinges. She stormed over to you grabbing you by the wrist and marched to her room with her strong grip tightening as she moved. What on earth is going on? You thought whilst being dragged around. You tried to slow her down by not moving your legs but it didn't work. Heck it probably angered the unpredictable woman. She flung her door open then threw you into her room locking the door behind herself. Her quick strides closed the gap between the to of you as you rebalanced yourself.
"What did you do!" She yelled her wand in hand.
"What are you on about I've literally done nothing since this morning!" You yelled back.
"You're the reason of his soon disappearance so what did you do!"
"I did what was told of me!"
"Since when did you do what your told to?" She said her voice lowering and octave but hate and anger was still present in each word.
"when did you become an alcoholic psycho?" You retaliated. She fell silent, eyes wide staring at you.
"That is none of your business.... now answer the question," her voice went cold scaring the living hell out of you. You stayed quiet not answering until she yelled again, "Answer the fucking question!"
"Since my life was on the line!" A silence fell for a few moments before you spoke again, "what's your excuse?"
"Fuck off your just as annoying as when we were younger," she replied turning her back on you walking over to her dresser looking down at the wood. Just in front of her face was a mirror and a few empty bottles of alcohol sat next to it. She had been in this intoxicated state for a few days now each passing one worse then the last. You had never seen her like this. Not ever. As much as you felt sorry for the woman her words still hurt. Worse then any spell.
"Did I really mean nothing to you! Throughout all those seven years of us tormenting teachers and saving each other from fist fights. All those nights you comforted me and I you. All those times we snuck out after hours or pulled of a prank making our names known throughout every year. Did it truly pain you to acknowledge my existence never mind be my friend or date me!" Her head rose looking at you through the mirror, "Go. to. hell."

A single tear fell from your face. Those three words. They were said in your last argument and they've been said again. Go to hell. They took you to that argument in the forbidden forest. An argument you wish was avoided...
"I said fuck off" she hissed cutting you off turning around to face you in the process.
"You were right." That's all you said and that was all it took. She immediately knew what you were referring to; her gaze soften as did her features. The woman looked at the floor whilst speaking, "He's rich Git like I said he was."
"He looks like one," you said giving her a small smile which she reciprocated.
"I hate you to for the same reasons as you do me," she said calmly.
"Pardon?" It caught you off guard to say the least.
"I hate you for making me like this," with that she walked up to you and placed a hand gently on your cheek. The smell of alcohol lingering on her breath, her dark eyes glued to yours. It all to familiar. She was gravitating. The space between the two of you came none existent as your lips danced in sync. It was perfect just like before at the party, and at the sorting ceremony, and in those hundreds of joint detentions. The two of you broke apart starting into one another's eyes like old times. "And I hate myself for still loving you," she spoke.
"What about R-" you began to ask.
"He's a dick," she stated rather bluntly.
"As much as I love this your-"
"I may be drunk but I'm still sober enough to know what I'm doing." She said cutting you off again. You chuckled slightly at her response.
"I- uhh I have to get training," you said taking a step back slightly towards the door.
"And I ought to teach you how to throw a knife,"
"I can throw a knife very well thank you," you scoffed.
"Sure now get your ass to training before I get there. Also your drawing from earlier was nice I still think you could of done something with your talent," your face goes Red slightly before leaving the room. You went to your training area prepared for the hell that woman's going to out you through and you were going to enjoy slightly more then usual.

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