Chapter 5: fith year

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Clouds sat in the sky yet it was a nice day a nice day to beat Regulas' ass. During the summer you spent a bit of time at the black residence you never slept there no, just spent random days every now and then there. Who in their right mind would want to spend time with your family they're cruel! No that's a bit of an understatement ...Evil? Nope that's a bit far now, anyway because you spent practically every other day with the black family you've grown quite close with Narcissa and Regulas. You didn't see much of Adromeda and you refused to spend time with Sirius he's annoying and loud not to mention he's mates with that insufferable dickhead James potter.... Gross. Whilst spending time with the black family you and Regulas some how managed to turn quidditch practice into a competition. You also learned Bellatrix used to play but hit a sanction. She says it's quality gold entertainment watching you play, Back to the point today was a good day to beat Regulas.

You and regulas faced opposite one another in the middle of Hogwarts quidditch pitch brooms at the ready. On the count of three you set off. You flew round the three goals at high speeds before flying close to the ground and picking up a bludger from the centre of the field. You were at least a good 15 seconds ahead of regulas. You came head to head with the three goals It was now all down to you and not missing your shot. If you miss them reguals can win. You were flying at tops speeds before out the corner of your eye you spotted regulas landing in the middle of the pitch... but how?! You immediately came to a stop and flew to his side.
"Looks like I beat you once again Y/n," he said some what proudly as if he didn't just annihilate you.
"Yeah yeah whatever," you said rolling your eyes. Before either of you could speak Bellatrix walked up to you and offered to take you to hogsmead for it was the first time since joining you been out of trouble for A while term. Obviously you agreed.

You went into the three broom sticks and Bellatrix managed to trick the bar tender into getting you some fire whiskey it burned a bit but that being said it was your second drink ever and it was kinda strong. You goofed about making jokes before wandering the streets on your way back to hogwarts. It was fun but you know whets more fun?Casting a Confundo Charm on everyone during your next exam first week of next term. Granted it's a bit far away but nevertheless You and Bellatlrix made it back to the dorms and spent the night planning everything out.
"That will take approximately a month which will bring us to the day before the exam," you stated.
"Perfect I'll do Gryffindor and Hufflepuff you can do Ravenclaw and help me get into Gryffindor. Now it's just a waiting game,"
That's what you did you waited for everything to be in place before initiating the plan.

"3...2...1 bottoms up," the potion tasted just as revolting as it looked but you did what must be done soon after swallowing the disgusting thing you began to transform. I took the form of Alexandra one of ravenclaw's top students. Bellatrix the form of James, the only way she managed to get something of his for the polyjuice position was thanks to regulus' hookup with the dullard. You gave her the password to Gryffindor common rooms preparing yourself for the riddle you must answer to enter.
Bellatrix walked up to the Gryffindor room,
"Coftrensum," she was in immediately she began casting the charm on practically everything before sneaking back out. Time for hufflepuff.
You got into the Ravenclaw conmen room but only just somehow you figured out the answer. It was much nicer than the dungeons but you still preferred the dungeons they were cosier. After a few seconds of sight seeing you began chanting the incantation to place the charm on almost every object in sight.
Once the task was completed you left then ran for the Examination rooms to do the exact same thing.

Moments after you arrived  in the common rooms Bellatrix came in snickering.
"If this actually works I will forever acknowledge you genius," you said to the mastermind of the plan falling onto your bed.
"My genius is unmatched now tomorrow is going to be fun......"

The O.W.L.S the most annoying thing in existence. It's the equivalent to the muggle sats or gcse's, boring long tests that do absolutely nothing to benefit you in life whatsoever. The examination room was quite empty at them moment, bellatrix was seated at the front near the window and you on the other side still at the front. You two were probably the only ones who had an assigned seat because if you two sat together who knows what kind of mischief you could get up to. For the 30 people that managed to make it here without getting lost or confused along the way took their seats and prepared. Professor McGonnagall made a short speech about the rules then queen for us to start. I picked up my quill and ink and began to write just like everyone else until havoc rose. Suddenly everyone started to forget why they're there and forgot how to start a test. Question after question was being asked.
"This is an examination that shall be continued in silence thank you very much," declared the professor in a concerned panic.
The once silent room was now filled with conversation and as if the roles had been reversed you and Bellatrix were the only ones actually doing the exam and being reasonable. Due to the hassle that people were causing many students ended up in a detention.

Only 5 exams ended up being handed in. 5 out of 30 exams were marked higher than a U and only 1 got and A* passing with full marks. Bellatrix was incredibly smart despite her always getting sent out or just borderline not turning up. 100 percent no lower. As long as you've known her she had only ever got one test back below 100 it was stupid herboligy where she scored  a 98. When she found out she ignored everyone for a few days and didn't leave the dorms no matter what. It was an incredible score yet she was highly disappointed and freaked out as if it was unmarkable. Your average sits around at 85 percent so not to bad. How would Bellatrix react if she scored your scores? Hopefully you will never have to find out givin her reaction to a 98 percent.

The both of you returned to your dorms pleased with yourselves and just waited until you got caught for casting Confundo charms all over the school and dorms, you never did. well........ not this year anyway.

A/n hey I'm not dead and  I apologise for these last couple of chapters being a bit sucky I just lacked inspiration for them hopefully the next one is better I have a few plans for it but we'll see until next time!

P.s be gay do crime

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