ꕥ Back stories

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As you can tell by the title, this chapter is about the boy's back stories. Cause I feel like they should've all had more screen time just to show off a little backstory about them. And some of it I made it up as there's not much to go by in the movie.

• Ian would sometimes tell Stevie little stories about their mom and how she was completely different than from what she is now.
• It was hard for Stevie to believe cause she's not like that anymore. But apparently from what Ian said, she stopped smoking cigarettes and drinking when she found out she was pregnant with Stevie.
• Their mom was also talking to this guy who would sometimes come by their house. Ian and Stevie didn't really like him too much. They got sketchy vibes from him.
• Then he started coming around more often, and when Stevie met the boys. He'd prefer hanging out with them instead of being at home with his mom and her "friend" or "boyfriend". But his mom didn't really like that idea and tried her best keeping him away from them. But he found more enjoyment in hanging out with his friends and just skating.

• Ruben was almost never home. He was always with the boys in Motors or just skating around town, alone. He always tried his best avoiding home as much as possible. And there was one reason for that. His mom.
• Everyday his mom would come home and immediately start drinking. She'd drink every little thing of alcohol in the house and she'd get insanely drunk. And it was the best thing for her, but the worst things for her kids.
• If they breathe too close to her, drop something on accident. Or do any little thing, she'd beat them. Scars and bruises all over Ruben and his little sister. A never ending pain and suffering.
• He'd always sneak him and his sister out, just trying his best to get them away from reality. Sure he seems like an asshole sometimes. But if only other people knew.
• And his only safe place was at Motors, with the boys. Cause even though motors was just a skate shop, that was his home. And those boys, were his family.

•Fuckshit lived a good life, until high school came around. He started caring a bit less and less about skating and more about partying. And as Ray said, getting drunk.
• It was very sad for Ray, as Fuckshit's best friend, to see him slowly lose interest in things he's loved for his whole life and get into a drinking life at a young age. Not even finished with high school.
• Ray did worry about him a lot, cause fuckshit was like a brother to him. But honestly, fuckshit didn't how high or drunk he could or would get. He was just living his life like it's golden. But also getting rid of his life.

Ray was always grateful for everything he had. And when he was a kid, he'd always look forward to the next day, the future. But that looking forward to the future ended a few years ago. When his younger brother died.
• He was completely devastated. Besides fuckshit, his little brother was his best friend. There was no moment where they weren't together. Their bond as brothers were very strong. And that was one of the reasons why Ray was super grateful for life and everything he had, especially his brother.
• But when he died, sky's were gray and the sun had lost its shine. And so did Ray. He just couldn't imagine going to sleep and waking up another day without his brother. It all just felt like a bad never ending dream.
• And yes it's sad to say, but Ray felt as if he couldn't move on in life without him being there with his brother. But he tried his best to cope and stay strong. For him and his brother. And also his parents. Cause he knew they needed him and he needed them. And his friends.

Fourth grade
• Fourth grade grew up with a lower class life than everyone else. It was hard for his family and it was hard for his parents to see him get older and they weren't able to give him the life he deserved and needed.
• Fourth grade completely understood. And for days he'd fantasize about finishing high school and just make movies. Get himself and his parents the life that he deserves and needs. And if he ever had a family in the future, he'd want his kids to live the best life possible and for them to always be cared for.
• Fourth grade is a sweetheart and deserves the world. And his future awaits as a filmmaker.

Hey guys. Sorry if I made some of you guys sad about this chapter. Cause I know I was. But I hope you like it and let me know if I should make a backstory with y/n cause I feel like I just should. Anyways love you guys bye!

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