ꕥ fights

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Another good request from Ninaclaw1023 ty again!!

• It was like that one fight that Stevie had with his mom.
• You guys just yelled out random nonsense to each other that you guys know you didn't mean but both was just really mad at the moment.
•You guys wouldn't talk for about a day or two, until Ray had you guys make up and made you both realized that it was just a silly fight.
-" I'm sorry y/n"
-"yeah me too"

• Listen, I know you guys like to play around a lot, but this time was different.
• When Stevie and Ruben got into that fight you were mad at Ruben for what he would say about and to Stevie.
• And of course you weren't gonna let that happen cause Stevie was like your twin brother.
• So you screamed at him about how you hated his attitude towards people even you sometimes.
• He wouldn't say anything, he knew he couldn't say anything anyways.
• And later on while you guys were sitting on the couch across from each other thinking about what just happened, you guys started laughing.
• Practically everything is funny to you guys and y'all can't take anything seriously so that fight was just like another joke or prank on each other.

• You guys fight like 2 times a month.
• And most of the times they're about fuckshit and these girls that he "hangs out with".
• You didn't know but somebody always told you.
• You got furious and one time at school in the hallway you found out.
• You then found fuckshit and punched him in his face knocking him to the ground in front of everyone as you heard oo's from everyone.
- "Go fuck yourself you DIRTY BITCH"
• Everyone was amazed by what you just did and the boys just thought it was funny but fuckshit didn't think so and everytime one of them would bring it up he would say
-" yo shut the fuck up"
And the boys would cackle all day long.
• But anyways you guys took a break for a few months. Surprising right...

• One time Ray was screaming at you but you didn't know half of the things that he was saying cause you were insanely drunk. Maybe that's why he was yelling at you...
• You got exhausted and closed your eyes for one minute and just fucking passed out.
• Ray felt bed for yelling at you and put you to sleep and gave you a kiss on your forehead.

Fourth grade
• You didn't want to tell fourth grade how to live his life but you thought it was best for him to be more social with people instead of being so shy all the time.
• You went on for a little bit for him being anti social.
• Until you noticed that his hands would start slightly shaking and his eyes were watering.
• You apologized to him, it felt like your heart broke.
-" I'm sorry bby, your perfect the way you are".
• You said laying his head on your chest.

I hope this was good enough. And thank you again ninaclaw for the idea, I love and appreciate you for those two ideas ❤️💋

ꕥ Mid 90's boys imagines and one shots ꕥWhere stories live. Discover now