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Brady's point of view

five months later

"No it's been five god damn months and I still can barley stand for 30 fucking seconds!" Buck yells out on the verge of tears. "Evan you should take it easy and stop bashing yourself...from your pelvis down was crushed and pinned under a airplane wing." I say rubbing his back and trying to comfort him.

"They said that I should at least be able to take a few steps by now...I can't even stand!" He yells making me want to cry this should be me not him it should be me going through this...he starts to pull himself to his feet again making me nervous. "B-Buck wait for the therapist to come back please don't push yourself to hard."

"They aren't pushing me hard enough!" He yells as he grunts pulling himself up to his feet hissing out and forcing weight down on his legs when his hand slips making him almost fall me catching him just in time. "FUCK!" He yells out it ringing through the room as I get him back in his wheel chair. He looks away from me refusing to make eye contact with me breaking my heart.

"It's ok you just slipped ok...it happens." I say rubbing his shoulders and trying to sooth him he goes to get up again making me even more nervous. "B-Buck just take a break ok." I say pleading with him. "No I should be walking by now!" He growls out forcing himself up again you can tell he is in pain and his body hurts. "Finally fuck I hate this shit." He says holding himself up slowly putting more and more pressure on his feet hissing each time he's breathing heavily. 

I look at Athena who walks in sadly giving her the he needs to slow down look. He's still standing after a minute and I smile than that disappears when he takes his hands away. "B-Buck that isn't a good idea." I say putting my hands behind him as he ignores me closing his eyes and a tear fall downs his cheek.

"Buck are you in pain?" Athena speaks up and he shakes his head no and we are confused. "I-I was pinned for so long but I couldn't fall asleep last thing I remember is searing pain and waking up i-in the hospital and I am stuck if I move I fall but if I sit down what if I can't get back up?" He says as I grab onto him me and Athena set him back in the wheel chair and he looks down at his feet and starts silently crying.

I kneel down and grabs Buck's chin and smile making him look at me. "Hey you will walk again one day you ok...and if you don't I will always love you and not leave you." I say stroking his cheek and he pulls away making me tear up. "Nobody looks at me the same...you don't look at me t-the s-same. Everyone looks at me like...like I don't know like I am broken and I am broken and just nobody sees past what in front of their eyes you don't look past what's in front of your eyes." He says crying harder Athena is now crying as well and I am holding his face.

"I'm sorry I know I just do feel bad I don't know how much you remember." I say a tear falling down my cheek. "All of it...the plane starting to nose dive the seatbelts breaking me having to shove you last m-...no you don't get to blame yourself for me being broken you don't get to blame yourself!" He yells grabbing my face rubbing the tear off my face.

"Than you need to quit calling yourself broken and it is my fault it would have been me not you!"




Three months later.

finally I am walking with crutches but I am walking again for a decent amount of time and that is a plus. "You got it baby?" I nod my head and smile happy and how am I gonna bring this up. "I want a baby Brady...we both know the doctor said I'll never get off the crutches due to the deformities which means I won't be a cop and I want a kid only if you want one."

The bones in my hip and legs are deformed my ankles are twisted outwards and my hips are place weirdly due to my lower half being crushed and they tried revision surgeries but never worked.

"I know I'm sorry I know you loved work baby and we can have a baby and as soon as have the baby and the lawsuit is over we will travel as promised."

"Hey we don't have to travel I was scared and thought I was dying you love your job and you shouldn't have to give up something you love." I say looking at him happy and he looks down and shakes his head.

"No babe I love you more than I ever loved being a cop and I promised you we would travel after all of this I told you I would take you around the world." I smile and give him kiss god he is so selfless.

"Bray it's fine my love we can travel when you retire...you should do what you love unless it doesn't bring you joy. We both know life is to short to not do what you love babe and I can find a job that I can physically do a desk job or something." I tell him with a smile and he looks down.

"But I promised you." 

"But I want you to do what you love I love kids and I can be a dad and love that and our baby." I say and he nods his head. "Plus I don't think I can do planes Brady...I know it's stupid but I just think I'd panic."

"Hey that's not stupid Evan ok...you have every right to be scared to get on a plane and to not be on one. Just promise me if you ever change your mind and as soon as you want to travel tell me?" 

"I promise so about that baby?" We both laugh and jump on the internet laughing.


A year later.

"So Mr. Evan Alonzo would you say your life is actually negitvly affected by the crash?" I laugh and ask the judge if I can stand in the middle of the room. "Yeah look at me my ankles, hips, colon and legs are forever deformed I will have a sorry for the langue but a shit bag the rest of my life. I will never not be able to walk without crutches. I can't go back to work ever even if they had a surgery to fix my body."

I say angry that the lawyer implied I wasn't affected by the crash. "I was a healthy 29 year old newly wed who could run twenty miles a day. Now I can barley walk...WALK a mile that's almost two years after being crushed by that airplane wing." 

I yell a bit the night replays in my head over and over again every day. "Yes but has it affected you?" 

"Objection indirect plaintiff has already answered that." My lawyer says sternly.

"Sustained MR. Randle please do not repeat questions." I shake my head annoyed. 

The trail goes on and it's time for the jury to make a final decision and they come back with one two hours later. 

"In the case of Evan Alonzo vs XYZ airline we find that XYZ airline is fault and in favor to Evan Alonzo the courts settled on 25,000,000 dollars and all medical bills paid for to Evan Alonzo court is finished." 

My jaw drops looking back at Brady who is pale as hell Athena and everyone else is clapping as I stand up scoffing I knew there would be money but that much money I uh shocked. 

Brady helps me down the stairs and I look at our son laughing Brady gives me a deep kiss and rests his hand on my cheeks. "Holy fuck that is a lot of money." I nod my head.


Three years later

Me, Brady an our two children finally arrived in Italy and I am so freaking happy here it a fresh start Brady retired after we got our settlement as he doesn't need to work. 

IK this chapter sucks but I don't know how else to write it.

The end.

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