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Eddie's point of view

"We got to get him to the hospital he's bleeding out." I say running his stretcher down the beach Hen holding the fluids. "We set up a road block and Pd will escort you to the nearest hospital." A cop says running with us confusing the hell out of me. "Thank you Lydia." Brady says giving her a hug and getting in the aid car. "He's one of us even off duty police came in for this get him to that hospital we'll be right behind you ok Brady." "Ok love ya girl."

I close the ambulance doors and tell Chimney to floor it and to go as fast as possible, I push epi to speed up his heart rate up fuck first it was to high now it to low damn it Buckley don't do this not in here. Chimney is going as fast as he can and there are dozen of cop cars blocking roads and following us and in front of us.

"Notify the hospital so they have doctors waiting for us...He's starting to decomp I am intubating." Chimney tells that to dispatch as I start to intubate Buck and start to bag him Brady never letting go of his hand. It's a surprise that he wasn't paralyzed by that...that he is even made it this far. He is the only reason he made it this far he fought for us to at least try we would have just made him comfy and watched him die due to protocol. "You got this babe ok...you continue to fight and we can travel all over and take breaks in Italy when we want to rest and if you want kids we can have kids. We will live the best carefree life in the whole damn world baby so you have to keep fighting ok Evan." 

Brady says right next to his ear stroking his hair and kissing his hand Buck pulse is trying to stabilize but it just can't when we pull up to the hospital the doctors quickly help me get him out of the aid car running off as I brief them the resident face twist. "Barns face." The attending growls at the resident.

Brady stops and turns around when he hugs me shocking the hell out of me. "Thank you for getting him out of there." He says hugging me and running into the hospital his arm has bled through the bandage. "Get that arm and head checked out!" I say throwing my arms up in the air.

"Did he just hug you?" Chimney asks cleaning the aid car as I am still standing there dozens of cops rushing into the hospital. "Y-Yeah he did and thanked me why he fucking hates me almost more than Buck." I say confused as hell.

"You got his husband to hang on till the hospital and holy fuck it is cop galore Buck must be popular." Chimney says clapping my back and pulling out his phone calling Maddie. "Hey uh Mads, Buck's in the hospital and it's pretty bad...he was in that really plane crash we luckily got him to the hospital and my guess he's in surgery...She hung up that is never a good thing she'll be here soon."

"Hey did he make it here alive!" I hear Athena yell out she also hates me and I nod my head as she rushes into the hospital. I feel so bad for those hospital staff the halls being filled with cops and more cops as more show up. 


Brady's point of view

I pace up and down as a doctor walks up to me seeing the blood coming through the bandage. "Hey let me get that checked out it will be a few hours till there's an update there's a lot of cops here what's up with that do you know?" The doctor says as I bite my lip obeying knowing it has been to long to have this closed out. "We are cops don't know exactly how they found out but as soon as they found out even off duty cops set up a road b-block to give him the best shot they weren't gonna and try and get him out I had to threaten him he needs to live ow!" 

"Sorry cleaning the sand and dirt out of it why didn't you get this checked out sooner?" "He needed me to be with him he was maxed out on meds and he refused to be sadated he didn't pass out till we started taking him out." I say biting my lip this hurts like a bitch how the hell was Evan talking with how much pain he probably was in.

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