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Buck's point of view

My alarm blares making me groan when I look at the time falling out of bed and fucking smacking my head on the night stand. "OW motherfucker stupid blankets." How did I even get into bed...I need a shower I smell like well...a strip club and like I poured a bottle of tequila on me. 

I hadn't realized I was at Athena's until she stepped into the room cocking an eyebrow. "What is going on?" "Slept in it ten o'clock." Athena laughs shaking her head and gasping. "I forgot Hen rigged the clock to make it seem that late it's only 6 Buck. "I need to shower I smell like boozes and a strip club when I get a call saying Brady. "Why is he calling me it's bad luck to talk to each other." I toss the phone to Athena who just giggles at me answering the phone her face dropping and she says. "I'll tell him...Slight problem with the priest Buck he uh died." My jaw drops I hear Hen mumble what? "N-no it took two months to find a priest who was willing to marry a gay couple t-there no way were going to find another one in 8 hours!" I say rubbing my head Hen getting up and grabbing my shoulders. 

"W-We'll find someone ok we will find somebody it is to early to be freaking out." "It took two months to find a Catholic priest to agree to marry us how are our we not freaking out we don't have a priest." I say sighing mother fucker of course it would happen to us...me god absolutely hates me. "God hates me." I say rubbing my head and frustrated. "Ok Buck you go take a nice long and hot shower get the smell off of you and me and Hen will work with Brady's mom and dad ok." I agree.


Athena's point of view

"Ok call every priest you know and if they are willing to marry Buck and Brady judgment free beg them to do it ok, I'll call Maddie to do the same thing." I say panicking as soon as I know Buck is in the shower. "Ok I will."

I call Maddie and she starts on it Michele who is also invited to the wedding. "Do you know any priest preferably Catholic who would marry Buck and Brady their priest died this morning and it took them two months to find a priest to happily marry them no judgment." I say right when he walks in he cocks an eyebrow. "I can see if father Mark would do it." I nod my head yes hoping he says yes please say yes. 

"He said he's free all day and that he would be more than happy to marry a happy couple." I give him a hug so freaking grateful. "Thank you so much saved a Buck Adhd melt down." "Of course the kids deserve to get married with each other." He says I tell Hen we found somebody and text Maddie the same thing sighing and Buck's other half. 

Buck gets out of his shower putting his suit on and walking out our eyes all widen at the way he looks in it. "Holy hell Buckaroo you look...you look." Hen says trying to find the right words. "You look amazing Buck." May says scoffing and crossing her arms we all stare at him, I swear their relationship is like brother and sister and they are so close they gossip.

Michel nods his telling the kids to go get dressed as it is 7 am and we have to get to the venue at 830. 


Buck's point of view

We get out of the house at 750 and I swear to god when we pull up and I get out of the car the motherfucking church is on fire. "Please tell me we drove to the wrong place!" I ask just staring at the flame as I choke back tears it is 835 and our damn venue is burning and if it can't get any worse Brady shows up.

"AH what are you doing here anyway!" I yell ducking behind the car and thudding my head against the glass. "What are you doing here!" "I am supposed to arrive at 830 you 1030 Brady AHHHHHHH this wedding is a complete shit show!" I yell out officially wanting to cry at this point. 

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