Tweak Needs A Tutor

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Shellington: You called me?

Tweak: Yeah. I need you to do math stuff.

Shellington: And you can't?

Tweak: There isn't a pen in your hands right now and I don't appreciate that

Shellington: Are you bad at math?

Tweak: Stop asking questions!

Shellington: Do I sense *raises eyebrows* ... weakness?

Tweak: No! No.

Shellington: I can be your tutor if you want.

Tweak: I don't need one. What's 14 +57?

Shellington: 71

Tweak:*Stares at him* Fine but not now

Shellington: Why?

Tweak: Because- *Explosion!*


Tweak: So٫ how'd I do?

Shellington: Out of 100 or 10? You failed both.

Tweak: I got 0 didn't I?

Shellington: Did you go to school?

Tweak: Next question٫ please

Shellington: How did you not go to school?! It's the best thing ever!

Tweak: This isn't!

Shellington: Whatever! I'm going. DO IT YOURSELF!

Kwazii: You probably shouldn't have done that.

Shellington: Why?!?!

Kwazii: Because she just made a crossbow!

Shellington: AAUGGHH!


Kwazii: Can't say I didn't warn you.

Tweak: Hello?

Shellington: Why are you here? Are you gonna make a sword out of Peso's bandages?!

Tweak: No. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to seem bad at something.

Shellington: I'm sorry٫ too. I forced you to do math even though you didn't want to.

Kwazii: Quick question. How do I get out of these bandages?

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