If Kwazi Walked in on Shellington

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Everything is peaceful. Well٫ it was٫ at least.

The day started off peaceful and normally. Everyone got up and did ordinary stuff at the ordinary time and in the ordinary places.

Unfortunately٫ so did Kwazii. He was being loud and disruptive. We can't all be lucky٫ okay?

Shellington did٫ too. He was experimenting that morning on blocking explosions with glue. Usually٫ these ordinary things happened on their own. But٫ not that day. That day was different.

Here's how it went:

Shellington: *Gets up early. His bed launched him.*

Kwazii: No sleep is needed.

Shellington: "And if I add some more of this..."

Kwazii: "What a beautiful day to ruin something."

Shellington: *Crash!*

Kwazii: "YEOW! What's that noise?"

Shellington: "What was that?! Kwazii?"

Kwazii: "That's me!"

Shellington: "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!!"

Kwazii: "What about doors? Is it jammed? I can open it!"

Shellington: "NO!!! FU-"


The explosion sent both of flying towards the wall. They got stuck.

Shellington: "Seriously. Kwazii?!"

Kwazii: "You told me to open the door!"

Shellington: "That's just what you heard! You don't listen!!"

~*𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡*~

The two Octonauts were arguing loudly. While they were not agreeing٫ everyone was in a deep slumber. That is٫ except for Dashi and Tweak. They were playing GTA 4.

Tweak: "I totally beat you!"

Dashi: "Pause it I need food. Want anything?"

Tweak: "What's that sound?"

Dashi: "Do you want food or not? *Gasps* Wait I here it too."

Tweak: "Let's go upstairs! :)"

Dashi: "Yay!"

Shellington: "You stupid idiot!!"

Kwazii: "I have an IQ of 132!"

Shellington: "Positive or negative? Oh٫ wait do you what that is?"

Kwazii: "That's not important!"

Tweak: "I can't tell if we should stop them or stay out here and listen."

Dashi: "Let's listen."

Kwazii: "Why are you so angry at me?!"

Shellington: "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!"

Kwazii: "Wait٫ WHAT?!?!"

Tweak and Dashi: "Oooohhh."

Tweak: "Guys!! We're here to save you!"

Dashi: "At 5 AM!"

Kwazii: "YAY! We're saved!"

Tweak: "I know right!"

~*𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡*~

Kwazii: "Soooo..."

Shellington: "Soooo..."

Kwazii: "You need help cleaning the lab?"

Shellington: "Oh٫ no. I didn't even think about that."

Kwazii: "I'll help."

Shellington: "OK."

Kwazii and Shellington walked slowly to the lab. It was awkward. They eventually walked in.

Kwazii: "How are you going to get rid of the glue?"

Shellington: "It should be dry enough to peel by now."

As Shellington sat down Kwazii look at him from beside. He did not expect Shellington to turn his way. Surprisingly٫ Shellington kissed Kwazii.

Kwazii: *Shocked*

Shellington: *Blushes*

The end. (I do know a lot of people don't ship this but٫ they don't have to.)

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