Chapter 11: Turning Points(part 2)

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Queen and her family had returned from their short getaway. She now sat at the kitchen table, her dark eyes filled with a serene determination. She had called her children, Duarte and Lexi, to join her for a heart-to-heart conversation. The sun filtered through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow on the room, but the atmosphere was tense. Queen knew that this conversation could change the course of their lives.

Duarte entered the room first, his brow furrowed with curiosity and concern. Lexi followed, her eyes darting nervously, clearly wary of what their mother might say. Queen gestured for them to sit.

"Thank you for coming," Queen began, her voice calm yet firm. "There are some things we need to talk about that have been weighing on my and your father's hearts."

She turned to Duarte first. "Duarte, you love Ant, don't you?"

Duarte's eyes widened, and he nodded, his throat tight with emotion. "Yes, Mom, I do. More than anything."

Queen smiled gently. "Then you need to tell him. Life is too short to hide your feelings. Ant deserves to know how much he means to you, and you both deserve a chance to be happy."

Duarte nodded, feeling a surge of hope and resolve. Queen then turned to Lexi, her expression growing serious.

"Lexi, you know I care about you deeply. And because I care, I need to tell you something hard. Kevin is not good for you. He's abusive, controlling and  manipulative, and you deserve so much better."

Tears welled up in Lexi's eyes, and she looked away. "I know, Mom. But it's hard... he's all I have. He's been my first love, we hoped to get married."

Queen reached out and took her daughter's hand. "You have us. You have your brother. And you have your friends, Ant and the rest of your clique. I know things have been strained between you two, but it's not too late to make things right."

Lexi sniffled and nodded her resolve hardening. "You're right. I will end things with Kevin and fix things with Ant."

Queen smiled, pride and relief shining in her eyes. "Good. It's time for all of us to move forward, to find happiness and peace. Eu te amo meus bebes" she said as she brought her children into a group hug before dismissing them as she made dinner.

Later that evening

 Duarte found himself pacing outside Ant's home. His heart pounded in his chest, and his palms were sweaty with anticipation. He took a deep breath as he walked towards the house before he knocked on the door.

Smanga opened the door "Duarte, good to see you, when are we meeting again?"

"Soon, we still need to talk to Ant about testifying against him remember"

"Right, speaking of which, I assume you're here for him?"

"Yes," Duarte said as he stepped into the home

"Antonne, you have a visitor" Smanga said as Ant came briskly down the stairs his face lit up with surprise and joy 

"Duarte! What are you doing here?"

Duarte smiled nervously. "I needed to talk to you. Can I come in?"

Ant nodded and stepped aside, allowing Duarte to enter. 

"All right, I'll leave you boys to it" Smanga said as he left to go play with his other kids outside

They sat on the couch, the air thick with unspoken words.

"Ant," Duarte began, his voice trembling slightly. "I... I have feelings for you. Deep feelings. I've had them since before that night at the party, when we, did it. I have had them even when you were busy or preoccupied with other things. I really, really like you, I always have and I want to be with you, to be your boyfriend."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 19 ⏰

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