Chapter 10: Confusions And Realisations

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TW: Graphic

Smanga's POV

Sirens blaring, the constant shift in gravity reminding me that this ambulance is in motion, the paramedics doing their best to keep Antonne on this earth, Antonne, my firstborn, lying lifeless on the stretcher as they attend to his open wounds. Blood, blood is everywhere, on me, on him, the paramedics, even on the stretcher as-

"Ahhhhaha" Ant groaned as he came to, his body full of life again as he coughed up water that he had choked on, his eyes fully open and almost fully dilated, he looked like he had seen God himself.

"Heyy, hey son it's okay, you're in good hands, we're almost to the hospital so I need you to just breathe okay, breath, in the nose, out the mouth," I said as I kneeled over to him and held his weak hand, the way he looked at me broke my heart, he needed me now more than ever, maybe if I had just listened to him we wouldn't be here. I shed a tear at the thought

"Da-ad? It-is-okay" he said in between coughs as the paramedics rushed to give him oxygen and pushed me back on the bench

"My boy, I love you," I said, teary-eyed, Ant was mostly dried up, but I still saw him shed a tear and kind crack a painful smile under his oxygen mask

We were arriving at the hospital and things had taken a turn for the worst. We couldn't sedate him too much without causing his weak heart to fail and the meds he had taken earlier were wearing off so he started to cry and moan in pain, he started dry drowning as we arrived at the ER. They wheeled him into the hospital, he looked at me, gave my hand a hard squeeze while looking at me and passed out.

"NO ANTONNE YOU HOLD ON!! YOU HOLD ON TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITIES, SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs unaware of the fact that the paramedics were already handing my son off to the doctors and nurses, they pulled me away from a pair of doors where a male nurse stopped me and caught my attention

"Sir, we are going to do the best we can for your son, we can't let you pass this part, we suggest you sit in the waiting room, maybe call for a change of clothes and pray, we got it from here," he said as he sat me down in the waiting room, all my energy left me as I watched him disappear behind those doors, did Ant die? Surely not, he can't just leave us like that.

3rd person's POV

Duarte scrambled to find his way to the hospital. He managed to follow the ambulance using Adonis' car. Adonis couldn't come because his mother's BP shot through the roof, she loved Antonne like her own since he was her best friend's child. A lot was going through Duarte's mind as he drove to the hospital, he wondered if it was his fault that Antonne was found in a bath filled with his blood. Maybe if he had sat down and had a normal confrontational conversation like other normal human beings, Antonne wouldn't be in this position. He couldn't help but also think about all the time he and Ant spent together, Ant was right. Although they had times when they didn't speak, which is normal when young adults are busy with life, they were building a relationship. He could see Ant's smile when they'd make jokes, or when he would drive cars fast on the airstrip, even the sweet vulnerable delicate look on Ant's face when they did it for the first time.

He was now parked in front of the ER, tears brimming his eyes as he wondered what awaited him behind those doors. All he knew was, that Ant had to live, they had to grow this infatuation he was feeling into an amazing love.

He stepped out of the car, locked it and walked towards the doors, hesitantly. With each step he took, his stomach turned, the tears fell from his eyes, and the worst was growing within him even though a small glimmer of light shined within him. He stopped at the doors after they had opened when he saw Smanga. Smanga sat there, staring into space, a deadpanned look on his face, his clothes still drenched and tainted with what seemed to be Ant's blood. His hands, twitched, also partially covered in blood as lone tears occasionally dropped from Smanga's eyes.

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